10+ Tenets of Christianity vs. 10+ Ideals of Radical Feminism

Anti-Christian logoI have written, on many occasions, about the out-and-out war that radical feminism is waging against Christianity and people’s inability to come to grips with this vivid truth.

The fact is that the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism was deliberately created in direct opposition to the tenets of Christianity and has been at war with Christian men for nearly 50 years.

And more disturbing is the fact that after feminism’s relentless and never-ending assault on all things Christian, Christianity is actually becoming beleaguered. It’s time to fight back because losing this war is NOT an option!

But, before this can begin, one question must be answered, “Do you truly recognize radical, second-wave feminism as an enemy of Christianity, or do you believe the snake oil feminist saleswomen who say it’s just about “equality” instead?” This is exceedingly important because if you are not fully aware of who your enemy is, you cannot truly fight back and, you most assuredly, will NEVER win the war.

Gloria Steinem - Creator of radical, second-wave feminismGloria Steinem – Creator of radical, second-wave feminism
Betty Friedan (1921-2006)Betty Friedan (1921-2006)

When radical, second-wave feminism was invented in the late 1960s, and early 1970s, you would think that Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, et al, sat down and made a list of the positive elements of Christianity.  And then, made a separate negative “opposites” list, upon which to establish radical second-wave feminism, because they are the antithesis of each other.

As a result, radical, second-wave feminism, and its step-child, third-wave feminism, are the most profoundly anti-Christian ideologies on earth and the most dangerous. Dangerous because the twisted ideology of radical feminism has been adopted, as a way of life, by millions and millions and millions of normal, everyday baby boomer women across the developed world and, more importantly, they have deliberately abandoned their Christian faith in the process.

Worshipping False IdolsWorshipping False Idols

Feminism became their New Age faith, which revolved totally around the women themselves (paganism) and not God (Christianity), but more disturbing was the fact that at feminism’s core was a profound, and irrational, hatred of men.

“I am Woman, hear me roar!”

Unfortunately, millions of college bound, female baby boomers were ripe for the picking. As they searched for a new way to define their “illustrious” feminist lives as “career women”, they unwittingly became “independent”, “liberated” and “emancipated”, not only from men, but from the tenets of their Christian faith as well. And no, you cannot be a feminist and a Christian. They are like oil and water. They do NOT mix.

feminists hate men symbol

Although misandry is radical feminism’s defining inspiration, it is important to fully understand the depth of this irrational hatred of men. It must be understood that hating men in general, does not truly expose the truth behind radical feminism’s insidious agenda.

Christians must understand that these twisted women’s hatred of men is not directed at all men, it is specifically directed at Christian men. And this is at the exclusion of all other men, especially those who, like themselves, hate Christian men.

This deliberate pass, given by feminists, to all anti-Christian men, gives voluminous power to those very same, formerly “insignificant” numbers of people who are ardent enemies of Christianity.

Abandoned churchAbandoned Church

Another danger in this dramatic shift of allegiance, away from men and God and towards women and paganism, is not only displayed by their despicable substitution of feminism for their Christian faith but also by the huge membership losses suffered by their individual Christian denominations, as well.

In addition, there is a real danger to the next generation too, as the very same “liberated” mothers are no longer educating their children in the Christian faith either.

So, it is a double-edged sword. As more and more women become hardcore feminists, the number of Christian adherents continues to decline with each new generation born. It is a chronic, downward, death spiral that can only be stopped by strong Christian men.

Anti - Christian bigotry in militaryRadical feminism is also dangerous because their huge numbers of highly educated, and influential (in the military, judiciary, academia, business, media, organized religion, government and politics), anti-Christian feminists, who side with the enemies of Christian men, gives bulk, membership, power, legitimacy, approval, and voice to those who were historically unable to defeat Christianity due to their small numbers, lack of influence and/or limited funding, i.e. Islam, communists, socialists and non-Christians in general. As a result, these twisted women have truly created a monster because there is power in numbers.

Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No EvilSpeak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No Evil

For those who still fail to see, acknowledge, or accept this reality, you should consider yourself part of the problem because you cannot defeat an enemy whom you fail to recognize. 

We are watching this feminist psychosis play out, here in America at the highest level, as Pres. Obama flat refuses to fully acknowledge that the ever-increasing attacks by radical Islamic terrorists are attacks inspired specifically by a “holy war” on Christianity. And this denial by Obama continues despite the fact that every bone in the body public, says it is a holy war, and yet Obama does everything he can to ignore it!

Around the world, Christians are losing ground to our mortal enemy, in the form of islamic jihad. And this is because the courageous male defender of the tenets of Christianity – America’s Christian men – have been neutered by the political correctness (lies) invented by non-Christian, lesbian-led, female, radical, second-wave feminists who both elected, and continue to support, Obama.

Christian Men in CombatGood Christian Men in Combat against Evil

In this misguided effort, these twisted women have side-lined the only men who are courageous enough to do battle with this unspeakable evil – Christian men with the courage of their convictions and their faith at their back.

Obama and terroristsThe feminist/socialist Obama, whether intentionally or unintentionally, has put his head-in-the-sand while Christians around the world are losing-their-heads to the enemies of Christianity.

Enemies who have been emboldened by the 50 year “success” story of non-Christian, lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminists who have vanquished Christianity, and Christian men,  from nearly every public venue in American.

feminism quoteFor those of you who are still unsure of this connection, below are some of the “opposites” the founders of radical feminism might have assembled.

Once compared, it becomes very obvious that radical feminism is indeed, diametrically opposed to Christianity, and by association, Christian men. It also becomes very obvious that feminism espouses evil behavior and Christianity espouses good behavior. Feminism is a direct contradiction of Christianity and must be stopped.

Once you review the list, ask yourself this, “Which world would you prefer to live in, the one controlled by radical feminists or the one defined by Christian men?”

This list of comparisons is in no particular order and it could easily be expanded.

CHRISTIANITY                 VS.          FEMINISM

1.   Male                                 vs.           Female
2.   Love                                 vs.           Hate
3.   Jesus Christ                    vs.           Gloria Steinem
4.   Family                             vs.           Career
5.   Modesty                          vs.           Explicit Sexuality
6.   Marriage                         vs.           Divorce
7.   Birth                                 vs.           Abortion
8.   Creator                            vs.           Creation
9.   Christian                          vs.          Non-Christian
10. Legitimacy                       vs.          Illegitimacy
11.  Heterosexual                  vs.           Homosexual
12.  Charity                            vs.           Materialism
13.  Traditional Marriage   vs.           Same-sex Marriage
14.  Fidelity                           vs.           Fornication
15.  Children                         vs.           Pets
16.  Conciliatory                   vs.           Confrontational
17.  Polite                               vs.           Rude
18.  Patriarchy                      vs.           Matriarchy
19.  Giving                             vs.           Demanding
20. Truth                               vs.           Lies
21. Children                           vs.          No Children
22. Good                                vs.           Evil

I believe the answer is obvious, and the time has come to do something about the dangerous path these radicalized feminists have taken us down while they mindlessly pursued a “feminist lifestyle.” It’s time to reverse course before it’s too late.

Radical feminism should be defeated, reviled and rejected forthwith because it is deliberately neutralizing the good that Christian men have accomplished through the creation of Western Civilization and in defense of the innocent. Good that they would continue to do, even if it could mean their deaths – including doing battle with abject evil.

If this does not happen, America, and by association, the world, will someday be overrun by nuclear weapon-ladened muslims, who are willing to die for their beliefs, just as Christian American men were once privileged, and honored, to do.

Islam burkasThis Year’s Latest Fashion – Burqas

At that point, it will be too late, because the granddaughters, of these short-sighted, anti-Christian, radical, second-wave feminists, will be wearing burqas to avoid being raped!

103 thoughts on “10+ Tenets of Christianity vs. 10+ Ideals of Radical Feminism

  1. “Without God them become trash.” There are so many atheist men and women who do just fine morally without God. Read Christopher Hitchen’s “God is not great: How religion poisons everything.” Not all of us need an imaginary friend to know stealing is wrong or that murder is wrong. Some of us are mentally mature enough to understand right and wrong.


    • 😂 “Mentally mature enough to understand right from wrong”😂 Really? Who told you what was right or wrong?
      😂”Imaginary friend”? 😂 Earth to George!!! Obviously, no one told you that Jesus actually LIVED on earth! That’s a FACT! He rose from the dead to fulfill the scripture! He got us all into HEAVEN! And, don’t bother to give me all the drivel about there’s no proof. Answer this, do you think that 11 of His 12 Apostles would have suffered torturous agonizing deaths through martyrdom, if they believed he was a fraud? They are first-hand accounts of what happened when Jesus was here. Only a fool, like you, could question those blessed facts! Again, REAL atheists have NO moral code. If you know that stealing and murdering are wrong, DUH!, it’s because you were raised in a Christian country where all of that morality is represented everywhere. If you lived in Africa, where murder and stealing are the norm, you would think murder and theft were OK too because you’d be a REAL atheist (not the pseudo atheist you purport yourself to be) just like they are because they have NO exposure to God or His standards of behavior. There is NO permanent code of morality without accountability to God. And morality can ONLY come through Christian education, because if left to their own devises, unaccountable men endlessly butcher each other and hell breaks lose. As far as your hero, Christopher Hutchins goes, he was a VERY unhappy and disturbed man. He deliberately set out to become the lightning rod for negativity. A sane person NEVER irrationally or deliberately sets themselves up for attacks, pain, rebukes and animosity, unless they are very disturbed in the first place. It just doesn’t make sense to surround yourself with misery unless you are disturbed. Especially, in order to argue against GOD’S EXISTENCE because all normal people not only understand, feel, comprehend and sense God’s presence in the miraculous functioning of their own bodies or while witnessing the spectacular nature of our planet, or the birth of a child, but anyone can appreciate God’s gift of never-ending joy he imbued in those precious children. They lead us to God’s happiness and His gift of joy. Only someone who HATES themselves would deliberately set out to deny God-not only for the negativity and personal misery that denial generates but for the lose of the highest personal form of human happiness known to man. Facts show that Christians are the healthiest, happiest and wealthiest people on earth. That alone should tell you you’re on the wrong side of the tracks!


      • Firstly, this is not how you convince someone anything. People can believe different things than you and that doesn’t make them evil. I get you feel strongly about what you believe, but you take such a mean tone that no one wants to listen to you. A lot of people who would have become Christians were probably scared off by people like you.

        Also, jihad means holy war, but most Muslims take it as a war with ones self and evil. Please don’t stereotype a whole religion. Many people don’t believe this, but Allah and God are the same. And to say atheists have no moral code… what makes you think that? Just because they don’t have an organized religion doesn’t mean they don’t have a conscience. Atheists and Muslims have every right to be what they are.

        And what is your problem with homosexuality? The bible says you should treat people with dignity and respect, there is only a couple of lines (that could be interpreted other wise!) that say homosexuality is bad, and that’s not even marriage, just certain sexual acts. If you don’t want to choose that lifestyle for yourself, that is fine, but Jesus asks people not to judge others. “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.” If you disagree with it, that is fine, but please treat others with respect.

        Feminism has many more layers than just abortion. Choosing one area to target is fine, for example I think abortion is wrong, but I agree with most other areas of it. Equal pay, equal jobs, longer paid maternity leave, and getting rid of rape sounds bad to you?

        Finally, it is a woman’s choice whether or not she wants to have children. It should be that way. What about a woman who is physically incapable of giving birth? It really isn’t your business if a woman has a child or not. Some people just don’t like that life style.


      • You are a purveyor of moral relativism. “I’m ok, you’re ok.” And it’s total PCBS. Evil behavior exists, and when good men do nothing, it prevails. This has been proven time and time again throughout all of human history. How do you explain the squalor must muslims still live in verses the astounding success, peace, prosperity, medical advances, symphonies, technology, inventions, business successes and standard of living the Christian countries have attained? Our success stems from the fact that Christian men have lived lives defined by the tenets of their Christian faith and IT WORKS MIRACLES!
        There is NOTHING about God and Allah that is the same because, unlike the Christian faith, the other was created by a very flawed MAN and the men who chose to follow him were too. There are no absolutely NO similarities, despite your effort to BS the world with this kind of drivel. And, by the way, my “tone” is perfectly suited for the ignoramus’ who show up here espousing total nonsense. It’s the only way to get through their thick heads!


    • HA! YOU are a judgemental, bigoted, arrogant, know-it-all, who should keep her mouth SHUT about things she knows NOTHING about! I’ve been President of my own construction company for 25 years and I have designed, built and decorated hundreds of structures. I was the chairman of our local Planning Board, Design Review Committee and the Environmental Commission over a period of 12 years. President of the board of trustees for Museum where telegraph was invented. Traveled to THIRTY foreign countries and 42 of our states. AND, I’ve lived in eight of those states. I’ve been married for longer than you’ve been alive. My son is a Marine and internationally famous silver coin designer. And my daughter is Chief of our County Sheriff’s Dept. and I have seven grandchildren. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?


  2. Some women spend their whole lives looking for Mr.right and never meet him. No one knows if they will get married or not. Plenty of women are infertile.


    • So. What’s your point? Be a jackass instead? Better to stay in the right path. If you do, the odds are MUCH better that you’ll be happier with the outcome of your life, no matter where it takes you.


    • Trashy? You’re a TOTALLY bigoted ignoramus! I’ve been married ONCE, have only been with one man and married for 48 years!!! I’ll be a thousand dollars you can’t say the same thing! So, who’s the TRASHY slut here!? Maybe you should learn to keep your jackass mouth shut until you GROW UP and/or get educated!


  3. Leave the Christian blogging to more lady like Christian women who know how to talk to feminists without stooping to their level. You are making the rest of us look bad.


    • Ha! “Look bad?” If speaking politely to these twisted women worked, they wouldn’t exist today. That approach is POINTLESS because they are SO brainwashed that they actually show up in PUBLIC with “pussy hats” on their heads!! Screaming at them is only way to get through to them!


      • And your approach works better? Have any of the people you challenged accepted Jesus into their hearts or said that you are right? Twelve years olds type in all caps. Typing in all caps makes you look like an immature child. Look at some of the people who oppose you. They are not typing in all caps. Are you a little girl or a grown woman?


      • 😂If typing in caps is the basis for how you JUDGE people, you have a long way to go before you reach maturity. 😂That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today. 😂


      • The only reason you type in all caps and resort to name calling is because you can’t come up with a rational counter argument.


      • Ha ha! I am laughing. You look like a silly immature child. Kindergarteners resort to name calling. Silly teenagers type in all caps because they think it makes them look stronger than their opponent. How cute, a grown woman acting like a kid!


      • I AM hysterical because there are SO many foolish feminist women who will end their lives in poverty, obscurity and pain if they don’t abandon the SHAM called feminism and embrace their family’s former Christian faith again.


  4. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi supporters identified as Christians. I would not call them loving. When slavery was legal in the United States, most plantation owners identified as Christians, yet they abused slaves. Slave women had illegitimate children by their masters as a result of rape.

    During the middle ages and in Puritan settlements in the United States, Christians burned women accused of witchcraft. How was that loving? King Henry the 8th of England was Christian and he fathered children out of wedlock, committed fornication, and adultery. William Cavendish 5th Duke Devonshire, a Christian man; had illegitimate children, committed fornication, and brought his mistress to live in his house with his wife. Christians commit the very sins they claim to be against.

    Is feminism is against Christianity then why are there feminists who identify as Christians? What about atheists? They oppose Christianity. Not all atheists identify as feminists. Not all atheists support abortion. Christopher Hitchens, a famous atheist writer does not support abortion.

    Not all feminists support abortion. There is a group of prolife feminists! Here is a link to their website.



    • Come on… There isn’t a soul on earth who considers Nazi’s “Christian”. Hitler and his gang, were insane. What’s your point? If you did you’re research, most American slaves were sold into slavery by other African blacks. Africa was, and still is, a hellhole of barbarism, cannibalism, butchery and violence on a level you’ll never understand. Coming to America was MUCH better than staying as slaves to other black butcher masters in Africa. Slave women ALWAYS had illegitimate children before they were exposed to Christianity in USA. That’s all they knew. Despite the PCBS you’ve been taught, the good white Christian people cared very much for the blacks who worked for them. There was much love between the races. Only the ancestors of the violent butchers who now live in a Chicago, suffered under the whip. They were evil people who, just like today, did very evil things just like the black guys who entered the young white pastor’s house and raped, bludgeoned and killed his pretty pregnant wife a few years ago in Indianapolis. They are capable of violence you cannot fathom! Violence your Christian community has protected you from experiencing.
      Witchcraft was considered a fact when Puritans lived in Massachusetts because they knew, unlike the dopey people today, that the DEVIL was real and the men wanted to protect their families, unlike today, from evil he spreads. Henry VIII was a desperate man. Without issue, his dynasty would end. That said, his willful disobedience of his Catholic faith led to treachery! Again, if he’d obeyed the good truthful tenets espoused by Catholicism, he’d be in heaven today. “Christians commit the very sins they claim to be against”? Cavendish wasn’t a Christian! Nothing in his behavior showed him to be a Christian. What’s your point? You CANOT be a Christian AND a feminist! They are at TOTAL odds with each other. There are NO similarities! Read my post, “10 Tenets of Christianity vs. 10 Ideals of Radical Feminism.” Those women are simply irrational, delusional, hypocritical, brainwashed feminist fools! Just because you wish it were true, doesn’t make it so.
      Christopher Hitchens was a brilliant and disturbed man. He was simply a sea of contradictions. Just as with Hitchens, most atheists are products of very difficult upbringings. Mothers are responsible for their children’s religious education, and without those guidelines, children simply go astray.
      That’s nice that there is a group of feminists who oppose abortion but unfortunately, they also ADVOCATE for feminism’s ideology of “sexual liberation”, divorce, fornication, single motherhood, promiscuity, career-over-children, all of which RESULT in abortions. They are simply irrational, hypocritical nuts who want it both ways and that’s impossible!


      • “King Henry the 8th was a desperate man…”, so you excuse his adultery because he need a male heir to inherit the kingdom? Looks like you have not only contradicted yourself, but have shown the hypocrisy of Christianity. The Puritans often killed innocence women and children because they believed they were witches. You cannot deny history. Christian slave masters fathered illegitimate children by raping slave women. Pretend to be self righteous all you want, but there is historical evidence of this.


      • Where did I say I “excused” Henry III’s adultery? Henry VIII was a disturbed man because he was desperate to produce a male heir and in an effort to rectify that serious problem, he abandoned his Catholic faith to seek out women, other than his wife, to give him one. In fact, most people, like Henry VIII, who were deliberately denied, or lose, their connection to the tenets of Christianity go crazy. Just look at the insanity being spewed by non-Christians Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Biden, AOC, etc. in DC! In fact, can you name ONE other religion that produces, or practices, sane communal behavior that produces greater health, wealth, freedom or peace than Christianity? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Atheists? Judaism? Anyone? Anyone? No other religion has blessed it’s adherents with a better life ON earth than Christianity! And only hypocrites, like YOU, think there is hypocrisy within Christianity.
        As far as the Puritans go, they had a VERY deep and real fear of the devil, just as we all should. They vehemently opposed people who brought evil into their midst, sick people who worshiped the devil and demons. For this you broadly condemn them? Why? Answer this? How do they differ from the evil people we put to death in our state prisons every day. People who brought abject evil misery and agony into our midst? In case you didn’t get the memo, it’s the EXACT same thing, only different times. Lastly, in this day of rampant illegitimacy, how can you sit there and JUDGE other people’s behavior who lived 200 years ago? Were you there?! But, worse yet, in your irrational arrogance, if you are referring to the BS about Thomas Jefferson, you obviously, didn’t get that memo either, because further research showed that IF, and I repeat, IF (because DNA is NOT a proven science, for example, ancestry.com DNA test just updated my husbands information-he’s now mostly French, not Italian as they first told him) there was a connection AT ALL to Sally’s family, it came through Thomas Jefferson’s BROTHER! If today’s experts can’t tell for certain which COUNTRY you came from, they sure couldn’t tell 10 years ago, which BROTHER was involved! Try and keep up!


      • King Henry the 8th was also unfaithful to Anne Boleyn, after he broke from the Catholic Church. He went on have her killed, and get another divorce. The problems with the Catholic Church do not justify his infidelity. He fathered an illegitimate son with Mary Boleyn. According to your logic, his infidelity is condonable because he need a male heir. So much for the Christian belief in fidelity in marriage. You are telling me adultery is o.k. if the man is a monarch and needs an heir. Typical Christian, rules apply only when it is convenient.

        If adultery and creating illegitimate children are as wrong as you claim, then your arguments contradict your beliefs.


      • Where is I say “adultery is ok”? Henry VIII’s behavior was the direct result of his abandonment of his Catholic faith, which just goes to prove my point. If he’d remained loyal to his faith, his life wouldn’t have been such an evil disaster. And that goes for everyone else too! Christianity makes for great people, like no other ideology on earth.


      • “slave women have always had illegitimate children, long before they were exposed to Christianity” So, that justifies so called Christian slave masters raping slave women. I thought Christians were supposed to be moral.


      • Are you referencing that PCBS show about Thomas Jefferson? Get with the program. The authors of that show were non-Christian, anti-Christian ideologues out to smear another of our Founding Fathers in their never-ending efforts to destroy everything, and everyone, who made America the “shining city on the hill” because they are small-minded, jealous losers who can take NO credit for any of it. You obviously didn’t get the memo, but further research showed that IF, and I repeat, IF a Jefferson was part of Sally’s family legacy, it was Thomas’ brother. And, considering that that DNA evidence was from 10 years ago, when DNA analysis was brand new, I don’t place too much credence in it. Mainly because just 6 months ago my husband‘s DNA test was updated and they discovered he’s more now French than he is Italian. Totally got it wrong. If today, the experts can’t even tell what country you’re from, I very much doubt that they could tell 10 years ago which brother was involved with Sally, or if either of them were involved with Sally. It was over 200 years ago and 10 generations ago. Lots of DNA input over enormous length of time. That long ago, it could have been ANY white guy.


      • You claim that being enslaved in America was good for African Americans. So, being brutal whipped and treated as less than human is a good thing to you? Slave masters often separated families by selling children of slaves to other plantations. Have you studied history? Slaves were kept in unhealthy living conditions.


      • You sound like a racist. Why is it only blacks you refer to? Evil white people were whipped, flogged, crucified, hung, drawn and quartered by white people who were trying to sustain a civilized culture too! And, in Africa blacks tortured blacks. In fact, up until last 50 years, white and black children were punished for bad behavior with a switch! What’s your point? I don’t care if the evil doer is black, white, green or pink, if you are confronted with evil behavior, it MUST be punished. Guess you don’t believe that evil should be punished and it’s obvious you hate white people, which makes you a DUAL racist too! Well, now that your “hands off” approach to evil behavior has been in place for 50 years maybe it’s time to reconsider that mamby pamby approach because I’ll bet our prisons wouldn’t be so packed if prisoners had been spanked, slapped or whacked with a switch as children.


      • “Slave women always have had illegitimate children..” It comes off to me that you see minority race slaves as unworthy of human dignity. Are you racist?


  5. Christians are loving? What about the street preachers who yell hateful things on street corners to people they don’t know. Is that polite? I have seen you call people who respond to your blog fools. Is that loving? Is that polite?

    Feminists are against motherhood? If feminists are so against motherhood then why are they advocating for maternity leave, for women to have the right to nurse their babies in public, and affordable childcare? If feminists are against family then why do so many get married or have husbands? If feminists hate children then why do they adopt? I don’t see Christians making an effort to adopt the millions of children in foster care.

    If Christians are so for having children, then how do explain the nuns and the priests who choose not to marry or reproduce for the sake of devoting themselves to God?


    • I’ve been at this for 8 years! Being polite to insane people NEVER gets through to them because they are constantly screaming irrationalities themselves.
      Yes! Feminists are against motherhood! They aren’t advocating for maternity leave! They are looking for GOVERNMENT to take care for them now that they threw the only guy who loved them enough to do that for them! Crazy is as crazy does. Nursing a child in public is an embarrassing, dangerous disgrace! It makes strangers VERY uncomfortable because it is a selfish unnecessary public display that the woman is deliberately and irresponsibly putting on! There is NO bases in fact for anyone to breast-feed an infant in public, and ALL mothers know that! It’s purely a show. First of all, only newborns need to be fed every couple of hours and no one should be taking a newborn out in public. So, absolutely NO need to breast-feed child in public then. Secondly, by the time the baby is four months old they only need to be nursed in morning, once during day and at night. Especially if cereal is introduced. It’s total feminist PCBS to insist on public breast feeding. It’s simply an effort to get attention, which is what most attention-starved, whacky feminists are seeking!
      As far as childcare goes, if women hadn’t chosen feminist “career path” crap, they wouldn’t have to worry about childcare. They’d be home to care for their own children while their HUSBANDS worked to support them, just like men did THROUGHOUT HISTORY! Women have gotten NOTHING but a raw deal from feminism! Their lives are stress-filled, disease-ridden, lonely and unloved abysses, when, by living according to the PROVEN Christian standards of living and behavior, it could have been so beautiful. The fact is that married Christians live longer, healthier and wealthier lives than anyone on earth! Feminists do just the opposite.


      • So, if you were out in public and your baby was hungry you would let it starve? Are nursing mothers supposed to stay confined to the house until the baby stops nursing? What about all the widows, who would take care of them? Some men do not earn enough money to support a family. What about all the fathers working blue collar and minimum wage jobs? One income works for upper middle class and wealthy people. Wealthy women of the middle ages and Victorian era handed their children to wet nurses and governesses, they did not care for their children themselves.


      • 😂”Starve?!” 😂 You need to take a course in child development! Babies don’t “starve” and mothers aren’t “confined to the house until baby stops nursing”! If you’ve got a day with a tough schedule YOU PUMP and bring the bottle with you! My daughter had four children and she’s been a full-time cop for 20 years! She breast-fed every one of her kids, while she continued to work, until they were 6 months old because when she couldn’t breast feed them, she PUMPED and froze the milk for her babies, like all normal mothers, who aren’t attention-starved exhibitionists, do! Breast feeding in public is TOTALLY unnecessary show put on by an irresponsible exhibitionist, not a mother.
        “Widow?” In a Christian society EVERYONE jumps in to help widows, especially those with kids.
        If a guy can’t make enough money to support a family he has NO RIGHT to have a family! He’s just a jerk. Stay AWAY from him.
        The ENTIRE Victorian society was TOTALLY devoted to families! Its only function was to support the family unit. Queen Victoria herself had 9 children. Allowing a nursemaid, nanny, governess or wet nurse (most of whom cared for generations of one family) to care for children assured that the children would be raised properly and become productive members of society, all within the cultural ideals set by the British for themselves and which allowed England to thrive for a thousand years, despite the Mother’s foibles. Only when that European, God-fearing, Christian culture was destroyed during WWI did Western Civilization begin the steep decline we are witnessing today.


      • “Being polite to insane people never gets through to them..” you are right. From the looks of the comments politeness isn’t getting through to you.


      • Some women, such as widows do not have a choice; they must work to provide their offspring with food. Some families do not have any sons. It is a lot for a man to take on trying to support his family and his widowed sister and her off spring.

        Lower class women have always worked, regardless of whether they were married or not. They were ladies in waiting and wet nurses during the middle ages. Governesses and seamstresses during the Victorian era. Nannies, cooks, and servants during the 50s and 60s.

        You need to take a history class.


      • You’re talking about SO few women it’s nearly indecipherable. And besides, widows, created through war, are embraced and supported by their families, their Christian community and by the military men who survived the wars. They are NEVER forgotten.
        To your second comment, in the past Christian men routinely supported, not only their wives, children and widowed sisters and her children (due to disease and war) but also their widowed mothers too! And he was never burdened by these responsibilities because his wife, who wasn’t a liberal radical feminist who insisted a “career” was more important than turning to her family, and his sister, all of their many children, and his mother kept the house; tended the vegetable gardens; canned the fruit; made the bread; kept the house clean; prepared the meals; did the laundry; educated the children; promulgated the faith, and mutually supported him in his efforts to sustain their household. Christianity is, and always has been, a mutual admiration society and about shared, conjoined responsibilities. No one sat around while others worked! Everyone, down to the smallest child, pitched in. And, as a result, everyone was cared for. Think of how pointless and stressful it is for a single feminist woman who’s been brainwashed by feminism to think that remaining single is the ideal choice in life. The average income in the United States for a single woman is $35,000. If she subtracts all of the expenses she incurs in order to go to work – transportation; cars; gas; take-out meals; work clothes; nail and hair salon; meals out; car insurance; housing costs; college loans and parking and tolls, it would be obvious that it COSTS her to go to work and that’s why the credit card bills keep going up. If for no other reason than that, women should reconsider whether feminism is really the best ideology for them to adopt.


      • So, you admit you are not polite when addressing people who disagree with you. Congratulations, you have just disproved one of your “10 tenets of Christianity”


      • I am polite to people who deserve to be treated with politeness and deference. I’ve YET to find one of those people on this thread. Most are just condescending misanthropes.


  6. Some women choose not to marry because they do not like the idea of becoming a man’s property. Women are people not table clothes or land. On the other side a man does not become his wife’s property when he gets married.


    • You are SOOOO brainwashed! “Man’s property?” That’s what feminist BS from 1960s! Old school, and out-of-date, failed ideology. Our men LOVE their wives and children to the point of dying for them!! They don’t consider their family “their property!” It’s just the opposite, THEY LOVE THEM TO DEATH! Your comment is the most ill-informed, misguided, judgmental drivel I’ve heard recently. People get married because they WANT to build a life together. Acquiring “property” never enters into the process until they buy a car or a house! That’s just ridiculous! Obviously, you’ve had a very disturbing upbringing, and of all people, you should be seeking a life defined by LOVE, not hate. Finding your faith is the ONLY path to joy and love. You must first be lovable, before you can be loved. Try that route, NOT the one you’re on!


      • You are the one ill informed and lacking in a history lesson. Do a little historical research! During the middle ages and Biblical times women were property of their husbands. Writing in caps to your point across, impressive. I thought only teenagers did that. How do you know Tanya has had a disturbing upbringing? Did you watch her grow up? What do you actually know about her? Do you know her parents? How do you know she is seeking a life of hate? Are you all knowing?


      • Are you concluding that women in the Middle Ages were unhappy and unloved! Were you there? Did you watch them? Did you talk to them? What do you actually know about them? Did you know their husbands? How do you know they were seeking to make their wives property?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Coral never said anything about women in the middle ages being unloved and unhappy. She said they were thought of as property which we have historical evidence for. You asking her if how does she know they were unhappy makes no sense. If you are going to use questions to challenge people, learn to do it properly.


      • Come on! You know that that’s EXACTLY what Coral was inferring when she used the word “property”. DUH! But, in case you really didn’t get it, no one uses the term “property” to describe someone who’s loved and happy! If you’re going to get all defensive and huffy, get your facts straight first.


  7. I have read your blog post and you don’t come off as very loving to me. Christianity is love? I get a strong hate vibe from your posts. You have strong hatred for women who do not marry or want children. What type of mother would a woman who dislikes children make? I have seen so many neglectful parents. I think it is better for people who do not like children not to have them. After all what is more cruel than for a child to grow up unwanted and unloved? Women who choose not have children are not stopping women who want children from having them. Many Catholic families still have 5 or more children. Women vary in personality and interest. Not all men want to be fathers. Not all women want to be bare foot in the kitchen and pregnant. I have met many rude Christians and some polite feminists. Being a Christian does not make a person polite. Just like being white does not necessarily make a person educated.


    • I’ve heard ALL of this PCBS before. Radical feminist justification for women’s outlandish, disgraceful behavior. Sorry, it doesn’t cut it!Western Civilization, and all of its illustrious accomplishments, are in a decline JUST BECAUSE FEMINISM CONVINCED FOOLISH WOMEN TO CHOSE “CAREER” OVER MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN! We aren’t making enough babies anymore to grow our culture! And, as a result, we’re on a path towards extinction. And I refuse to be a party to that suicidal insanity! We need LOTS of children to bring us into successfully into the future. Feminists are incapable of doing that because they are self-absorbed, obnoxious freaks! Feminist women, who comprise nearly ALL of the women born after 1950, are the reason we are in a decline. Selfish, foolish, stupid women, like you, who think it’s better to abort a child than to BE RESPONSIBLE ADULTS AND NOT GET PREGNANT FIRST, which is what founders of feminism insisted women would be! 😂😂😂 After 50 years of radical feminist brainwashing it’s OBVIOUS that women are NOT capable of behaving like responsible adults. Without the structure of Christianity they just become trash!


      • “Without God they become trash”. Native American women did just fine without God for years. They had babies and loved their husbands. They didn’t have illegitimate children until white men started killing their men and raping them. Who cares if the birth rate for white women in America falls? They don’t belong here any way. White people were the original illegal immigrants. Trashy tramps coming in and stealing land that didn’t belong to them. Take you white behind and all your white off spring and go back to Europe!


      • You’re so ill-informed it’s astounding! If you go with your nutty premise, nearly EVERY country on earth, is full of “illegal immigrants” since they were ALL invaded and conquered at some time in their history! Indian tribes raided, raped and killed OTHER Indian tribes, Asians raided Asian territories, South Americans warred with other South American tribes, Africans invaded killed, raped and slaughter other tribes!! Go back to school! Idiot!


      • “Go back to school idiot”, what a nice thing to come from a Christian woman’s mouth. That is Christian compassion right there folks.


      • I’m not interested in being YOUR version of “Christian”, nor are you in a position to “judge” me because, by your own words, you have NO CLUE what being a Christian is all about.


      • If you are so worried about the declining birth rate, then why don’t you step up and have more children. Not all unmarried childfree women are sluts, some are celibate. Christian nuns choose not to marry or have children. Do you have an issue with them?


      • What? “Step up and have more kids?” I’ve got 7 grandkids, which is double what most people have. Ha! If you’re right, find me one unmarried girl who’s a virgin. Now compare that to the number who are not!
        Why would I have an issue with a women who wants to dedicate her life to God? We are ALL better off for her efforts!That’s a really dumb question.


      • Is the question “What type of mother would a woman who dislikes children make?” too hard for you to answer?

        Where in the Bible does it say all women must marry and have children?

        What is wrong with a celibate woman choosing to remain single?

        Jane Austen never married, and she came from a stable Christian home.

        What about all the women who never meet Mr.Right?

        What about all the women who are barren?

        Why are you so obsessed with how other women live their lives?

        Is your own life that dull and boring?


      • 1. My mother didn’t enjoy children and yet she raised exceptionally successful children. Your point?
        2. “Go forth and multiple”. Unless you think God left women out of that equation. 🤪
        3. Nothing. But it certainly does not allow her to attain her full potential and influence.
        4. So? Austin spent her life writing about the life she failed attain. Very sad.
        5. They worked too hard at being “independent”, “liberated” and “emancipated” women from men. They got what they deserved.
        6. Thanks to medical science, there are very few barren women today. And those that remain are in the hands of God.
        7. Because feminism has brainwashed these women AWAY from the joy to which they are entitled. I want them to have a chance to true happiness and peace they deserve.
        8. If you think my life is boring and dull, you are one of the lost sheep I am seeking to re-educate.


  8. Ecofeminism, what do you think about one of this prominent school of feminism?

    Especially attractive in the 3rd world countries like me with various environmental conflicts such as land issues. And this school of thinking also tend to associate with indigenism which from what I read in the news from your country has divided the society.

    God bless!


    • This is just another Marxist branch of feminism that seeks oppression of all things male by pretending to be oppressed themselves. This is an extremist concept which tries to equate female “oppression” with animal “oppression” by men! Again, the truth is the polar opposite of their stated agenda! Christian men are remanded by God to PROTECT women, animals and the planet from harm not destroy them. These ecofeminist females are dysfunctional human beings with twisted priorities and sickened minds and should be publicly condemned for their deliberately provocative and erroneous comments about men because they are not based on fact or the truth! In America, it is true that nearly all environmental issues are advanced by and associated with women, under the guise of their nurturing and caring abilities, while at the same time feminism denies those qualities in women when it comes to children. All forms of feminism are demented. The others associated with environmentalism are the socialists, many of whom are also women, who see environmentalism as a way to destroy the successes and wealth created by capitalism, which they are INCAPABLE of acquiring themselves due to their twisted anti-Christian personalities and priorities.


  9. Hello again ma’am. I have another question about combating radical feminism: What’s the Christian and logical answer to this feminist maxim; “my body my authority” and “women should be allowed to dress the way they want without shame, judging, and harassment”?


    • The first is an expression of self-centered egotism and the second is simply irrational immodesty, both of which are mainstays of radical feminism and are deliberately opposed to the concept of human dignity expressed within the tenets of Christianity. Neither reflect what is truly best for woman, nor do they reflect the reality that women do NOT, despite feminism’s rants to the contrary, exist in a vacuum. Women live in the same world as do men, who should be respected for their sensitivities and sensibilities concerning sexuality, but more importantly, women live in a world filled with little children, to whom they, as female adults, have a moral, and public, obligation to protect, guide and nurture by setting an example for good. God’s greatest gift to women is life, and life is defined through their bodies, and as such, they should be protected and cherished, NOT abused or sexually exploited by ANYONE, but most importantly, by the women THEMSELVES. To do otherwise is not only unwise, as instinctually all of humanity knows abortion and explicit sexuality are not only BAD for the women themselves, but bad for the remainder of the civilized society as well. Civilization will not continue if women are not civilized themselves. As a result, and as has been the case throughout human history AND before feminism raised its ugly head, this type of self-absorbed, irrational and demented behavior in women has been CONDEMNED by every advanced civilization that has ever existed on earth.


      • Another of their widely believed doctrine is the state should not “regulate women bodies” (pertaining to so called reproductive rights and freedom of expression and yes, clothing issues). Any opinion, or just another radical feminist BS to justify immodesty?


      • It’s just more, totally irrational, feminist “knowing.” Every aspect of feminist ideology eventually leads its adherents to misery. This may not be obvious to the very young and highly gullible college radicals, but it is becoming VERY obvious to old feminists, that living a feminist lifestyle, defined by abject selfishness and materialism, in the end, proves to produce a totally pointless and wasted life. These pathetic and embarrassing life stories of older feminists are slowly seeping to the surface, as can be seen by yesterday’s, 2/17/17, front page story “Retiring Baby Boomers Face Crushing Debt” in The Wall Street Journal, about 68 year old Ms. Kathleen Wolf. Despite the headline, the underlying story is that Ms. Wolf’s made foolish life choices based on her adherence to the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism (remain single, no children, career first, materialism, selfishness and false egotism) and has ended up desperate, lonely and poor. If she had followed the tenets of Christianity, she would, in her old age, be surrounded by a devoted husband, children and grandchildren, all of whom would be happy to help her gracefully through her old age. Instead, she has been forced to leave her home and move to another “cheaper” state because she is now in desperate financial state. If she had, instead, followed her former Christian faith’s directives, she would now be emotionally, physically and financially cared for by the family she loved, and loved her. I will predict that Ms. Wolf’s story will prove to be just the tip of the iceberg, as she is one of the OLDEST female baby boomers. Many, many more stories, defined by feminism’s betrayal of women, are about to come to the public’s attention, just as I’ve been warning on my blog for the last 5 years.


      • In case of my country, stories like this were not yet happen. Most feminists who appear, write, and speak in our media (newspaper, television, and internet) were generally aged 20-60. Particularly, the older ones still relatively strong physically and have high powered career, esp. in journalism and creative industries.

        By the way, this is one article from those veteran feminists in Indonesia who remain influential mostly in liberal circles. She is one of people who believe the “state should not control women’s bodies” like I asked you several days ago. Her name is Julia Suryakusuma, a journalist in Jakarta Post. Hope this is informative for you to know the extent of their influence.



      • This rabid feminist, like most of her ilk, is an extremist. The fact that she believes that those who oppose pornography are somehow limiting women’s freedoms, while at the same time, forcibly objecting to men who do not want women to wear trousers, says it all! She is totally irrational in her thinking, which is typical of most radical feminists. In the end, they lack logic, reason and make NO sense whatsoever.


      • On the other hand, in case of this article, she right about creeping Islamic sharia law which you definitely know as a repressive system. Unfortunately she gives other another false solution; radical feminism.

        We faced sharia on the one side and radical and morally loose feminism on the other side. Both were irrational and repressive in the end. False dichotomy here.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. In my country, Indonesia, feminists there are at odds with mostly, muslims (we aren’t a christian majority).

    Which as Christian, means that Indonesian Christian face 2 front war, fighting Islam and Radical feminism at the same time (which in the latter start to show their true face by demanding equality for lgbt people, legalized abortion on demand, abolition of capital punishment, sexual harrassment rules thay could be a front for so called political correctness, etc.)


    • Exactly! Radical feminism is an organized ideology, just like a religion. And as such, it has strict priorities, views, goals and agenda. Its danger is that, unlike most “isms”, its truly destructive nature is obfuscated from its very young female adherents, who naively believe it is simply about “equality”, when in fact, with their help, it seeks to have Christian morality declared universally illegal! As such, it is profoundly more dangerous than terrorism (muslims) because these gullible women are millions and millions of our own daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and nieces. These women have unwittingly substituted the ideology of radical feminism for their former Christian faith and are therefore assisting the terrorists in their efforts to destroy Christianity and Western Civilization. So, yes, you are fighting a battle on two fronts, but you have the advantage of knowing EXACTLY who you true enemies are and can plan your targeted assaults accordingly. It’s those who are unwilling, or unable, to see radical feminism for the vicious enemy of Christianity that it truly is, who are the real threat. And, unfortunately, you are probably living with at least one. If you love them, it’s time to speak up and expose the discipable truth about the dangers of adopting a “liberated”, “emancipated”, “feminist lifestyle” because at the end of their pointless lives, these feminists will sadly discover that they were “liberated” from the very people who loved them the most and were “emancipated” from their own humanity. Read my post, “Short Essay – Radical Feminism’s True Legacy – Being Single, Sidelined and 60 Sucks!”. It addresses this inevitable outcome.


      • Well, I lived with a (sorry to open up private family matters here) sister of mine which harbours “child-free” view due to her beliefs of so called overpopulation. Any opinion ma’am?

        Also, back to radical feminism in general, in my country they tend to evoke the state ideology, the Pancasila with it’s motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which in Sanskrit means Unity in Diversity to subtly gain footing in Indonesia. Another area to be concerned are several of it’s prominent activists in Indonesia tend to be left-wing in nature.


      • Unfortunately, whether your sister understands it or not, she is a victim of feminism’s adoption of Marxist ideology, which will simply result in the eradication of those cultures whose women were foolish enough to adopt that idiocy. So, she is doubly foolish, she is threatening her own future happiness and risking the future of your culture too. The scam defined by the overpopulation theory was started by an American Jew named Paul R. Ehrlich with his 1970s book, “The Population Bomb” Absolutely NONE of what he predicted occurred. Everything he suggested was based on flawed “research” and he has been TOTALLY discredited today. But, at the time, his hysterical rants lead millions of young American and European baby boomer females to believe his scam. This has resulted in a stagnation in population numbers in both America and Europe. We are no longer even replacing ourselves at less than 2 children per couple This is why both Europe and America has had to imported so many immigrants during the last 30 years. We female baby boomers did not have enough kids to repopulate our own countries. And, NO ONE should take part in that self-inflicted national suicide or want that as a future for themselves, their country or their culture.


      • The word diversity should tell you everything. It means, to divide. As such, your culture will be threatened from within by immigrants, their lifestyles, ideology, religion, AND innate animosities. This is another very dangerous flawed Marxist theory that literally threatens the sovereignty of individual nations and should be avoided at all costs, especially if you want your country, and your culture, to remain intact. and the cure to this problem is simple. Your sister, and her friends, need to have at least four children! 😀


      • Ma’am, with all due respect about diversity in your country, diversity in Indonesia means many ethnicity, race, and religion, and we are inherently multicultural unlike most westerners. We have no such problem with immigration.

        If you have time and means to do so. I invite you to visit Indonesia, and not just Bali. But thanks for your opinion about feminism. Oh, by the way do you believe Israel is an illegal state? Many so called anti radfem will relating many radical Jew you mentioned with Zionism, as propaganda for the Palestinian cause.

        Actually, in case of my particular family she has a boyfriend who share the same goal about childfree.

        By the way I’m a Protestant and have some disagreement in doctrine with you but it’s fine.

        God bless!


      • Countries that do not share a common faith always have a more difficult time advancing, due to a lack of common goals, priorities and values. The commonality of the Protestant faith in America was the source of its might and greatness. When this country allowed millions of Catholic Irish and Italians to immigrate here, the country became more contentious as the 2nd and 3rd generation of Catholics became more influencial. This is why school prayer was banned in 1964 by the Justice Brennen lead US Supreme Court. Bibles were NOT issued to Catholics because the church believed only priests could interpret it correctly. Therefore, Catholics believed it should certainly NOT be interpreted by teachers or school children, despite the fact that the Protestants always believed that simple language of the Bible was dicipherable by anyone. And, this is just one example of the serious problems that developed when Irish Catholics (who rightfully HATED the English for what they’d done to Irish in Ireland) were allowed into “English” America. Almost at the same time, the Jews were permitted to attend college in America, thanks to the Irish influence too, and they have been an even more destructive force than Catholic through their irrational embrace of universal Socialism. This was accomplished with their tearing down of our illustrious apolitical universities, during their campus riots of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and politicizing these great institutions away from democracy and capitalism and towards to socialism, or worse yet, communism in their leanings. This has corrupted millions of our children away from our success as a democracy and capitalist country like no other influence! Sorry to hear about your sister’s boyfriend. At least they haven’t married yet. So, there is still time, and hope, for her to change her mind. Yes, Israel is a legitimate state. The entire free world agreed in 1947, after WWII, to allow them to defend themselves against the muslims. They have been the ONLY sane barrier against total muslim chaos, over the last decade, in the Middle East! Why would anyone want to stop that? As much as I disagree with much of the socialist (which has NEVER brought anything but pain, poverty and unhappiness to those who’ve tried it) agenda of our most recent Pope, I still know that unlike the Protestant churches, which were all established by a disgruntled, former Catholic man, our church is the only one that can be traced directly back to Christ. It is, despite her human flaws, still His One True Church on earth and the ONLY one established by Christ himself. And, that fact is impossible to argue with. I’d rather take my chances with the flawed men within Christ’s church than with the flawed men within a man-made church. But, having said that, I’d rather take my chances with the Protestants as allies than ANY non-Christian adherent, any day of the week! And, interestingly, unlike all other faiths, only Christianity brings joy, peace, prosperity and sincere happiness to its adherents.


      • How about people who prefer adopting rather than biological children? (personal preference, not due to infertility). Also, just to inform, I have been read an article about “child-free” lifestyle in a national newspaper in my country and several internet articles from several source, which say another factor people choosing such lifestyle were abuse as child or seeing one itself. Any opinion about such cause? Thank you ma’am.


      • That’s a ridiculous excuse NOT to have children! It’s just another false narrative to push the “no children” agenda promulgated by the lesbian feminists, who were, research indicates, abused as children. Check the bio’s of all the authors of those type of articles. They are probably compromised, abused homosexual individuals themselves. Luckily, they are part of a very, very, very tiny minority of population. Child abuse is the biggest predicator for the development of homosexual tendencies. But, I doubt you could find any young adult who would say they were going to be an abusive parent. And the VAST majority would be correct. So, where is the logic behind choosing, blindly, not to have children? There isn’t any.


  11. Excellent overview of feminism. And once again, right-on in that this is an anti-Christian movement. You’ve done a great job in putting all the pieces together of this movement. This article is a must-read for everyone!


  12. Yes, unfortunately that will happen, unless people wake up! The god of this age has blinded the eyes of the non-believers today.
    Oh, and Congratulations on being famous! The leftist blogs seem to love to scorn you a lot lately! They have even aimed some of the scorn at me…But, you know the saying- throw a rock in a group of dogs, and the one that barks the loudest is the one that got hit…Not saying they are dogs, but they sure squawk like your posts hit a nerve or something! Lol….
    But we must never lose sight of the real enemy…The father of lies himself- satan!

    Keep on speaking the truth! Thanks, Dale


  13. I love your side by side comparison of Christianity and feminism. You makes it all so clear K. It does become quite clear as you point out that feminists hatred is directed specifically at Christian men and is paganism itself. Great post!


      • What’s wrong with “pets” actually? Perhaps you just mean compare the Christian priorities vs Rad-fem priorities, but some people could interpret it wrong “all pet owners are radical feminists”.

        Even I think several animal rights activists are tend to be friendly towards feminism in general. Correct me if I wrong, ma’am.


      • No. 😂 Not all pet owners are radical, feminists but, childless feminists nearly always have pets, and then apply their misplaced maternal instincts to the care of their pets as though they were their children. That’s bad! They DEVOTE themselves to their pets (clothes, hugs, kisses, vacations, gourmet food, spa time, toys, beds, etc.) with the love and affection once reserved for children. That’s another twisted outcome of adopting a “feminist lifestyle”. It irrationally denies women their rightful place as wives and mothers despite the overwhelming evidence, exampled by their bizarre attachment to their little dogs, that women innately want children.


  14. Scary stuff. I think a whole lot of us are feeling that sense of urgency, that need for people to wake up before it’s too late. I think we will, I think all will be well, we’re just going through the anxiety before the storm. So, keep the faith 😉


    • I’m trying. One glimmer of hope I routinely see is that the 20 something women do not seem to be the least bit enamored with radical feminism. Many, unlike the much older female baby boomers, are focused on pro-life issues rather than supporting abortion, which bodes well for the future.

      Liked by 1 person

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