Good Guys – William Baer Defends His Young Daughter from School Sponsored Porn and Gets Arrested

Marina Baer

Marina Baer

Marina Baer is 14 years old. She is a freshman at the Gilford High School in Gilford, New Hampshire. She was required to read a book titled, Nineteen Minutes, written by Jodi Picoult, for her high honors English class. Her father William, who is a lawyer, objected to the graphic sexual encounters depicted in the book, describing it as “porn.”

William Baer Speaks at School Board Meeting

William Baer Speaks at School Board Meeting

Mr. Baer was not only shocked to learn that the school district was condoning the book, which revolves around five demented characters involved in a high school shooting, but that it was actually “required reading” for his young daughter.

To make matters worse, Baer was annoyed that his daughter was in possession of the book for nearly a week before his wife discovered it. In addition, they were not notified by the school about the book’s content or given the opportunity to “opt-out” of the requirement for their daughter, which had been routinely done in the past.

William Baer 19 minutesIn case you are not familiar with “Nineteen Minutes”, here is a review written by Maryan Pelland on –

“But this book is disturbing. What should be a ghastly tragedy, a high school boy coldly walking into his school building one morning and graphically blasting away at teachers and students, comes wrapped in a tawdry chick-lit romance between female judge and crime investigator…”

“The insights, though, aren’t insightful -– we can draw conclusions by the first section’s end. Lonely, aggressive, man-hating, single mom, female, judge clearly lays out her personal conviction that she doesn’t need a man to complete her. She got pregnant and purposefully had her now 15-year-old daughter without the shallow, rich father. What’s next? A few chapters later, after bumping into the crime-solving love-interest for the second time, she is smitten. Her principals gone, she practically falls off her bar stool to leap joyfully into his bed.”

NWV News Writer Jim Kouri elaborated on the book’s explicit content when he wrote,

“The book, Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, contains not only sexual encounters between young teens, but it also describes in detail sex crimes, and mental abuse with a giant helping of a descriptive murder spree in a school.

In one part of the book, the characters engage in sexual conduct that can only be labeled sexual abuse at best, out-and-out rape at worst, although the reader, presumably an impressionable child, is never told such behavior is deviant or even criminal.”

Who could possibly disagree with William Baer? The book is absolutely inappropriate for a 14-year-old girl to read! In fact, it’s so revolting that I find it amazing that anyone would waste their time reading it at all, much less enough people to put it on the New York Times Best Seller List. You can be nearly guaranteed that it was the same group of radical, second and third-wave, female, feminist readers who put Fifty Shades of Grey on that same list.

William Baer school board

Ms. Allen is on the left

Mr. Baer was so incensed, by this breach of faith on the part of his daughter’s school, that he chose to attend the next school board meeting and voice his objections to the “pornography” to which his daughter had been exposed.

Unfortunately, the Chairwoman of the School Board, Sue Allen, is another radical, second-wave feminist who hates Christian men, their motives, their morals and especially, their opinions.

In that role, Ms. Allen chose to dismiss Mr. Baer’s concern, with platitudes and drivel, rather than acknowledge the seriousness of the school’s actions.

The uppity Ms. Allen actually had the nerve to berate, a rightfully frustrated, Mr. Baer after he’d been told that he had exceeded the 2-minute rule (which was apparently initiated solely for this meeting).

Rather than relinquish the floor, Mr. Baer continued to seek a plausible explanation for the school’s error in judgement.

While Mr. Baer once again sought assurances that the issue would be rectified, Ms. Allen interrupted Mr. Baer’s commentary saying, “Will you be respectful of the others?” You can hear Mr. Baer’s angry retort, in the video of the meeting, which follows.

Lt. James Leach Approaches Mr. Baer and tells him he is under arrest for violating the 2-minute rule.

Lt. James Leach Approaches Mr. Baer and tells him he is under arrest for violating the 2-minute rule

And, how about the ramblings of Ms. Allen in the background? 

Allen is so disconnected from reality that she continues to pretend nothing is happening, despite the fact that Mr. Baer is being arrested by Lt. James Leach, the acting chief of the Gilford Police Department, for violating the 2 minute-rule!

Ms. Allen sounds like she’s on drugs as she continues to recognize other parents in the room, asking who’s next, while totally ignoring the outrage occurring right in front of her face. It reminds me of the Nazi’s casually chatting as the Jews walk into the gas chambers.

Mr. Baer handcuffed and under arrest.

Mr. Baer handcuffed and under arrest

How can Allen be that irresponsible, irrational and callous?

Oh, of course, I forgot. Ms. Allen is another unqualified, influential, anti-Christian, radical, second-wave feminist on a mission to demean Christian men whenever the occasion arises. And, the fact that all of this deplorable situation took place in front of Mr. Baer’s 14-year-old daughter was just icing on the cake for this bitch! 

Ms. Allen would certainly qualify as an infamous member of my blog’s “Current EVEntS” section!

Incredibly, soon after the meeting, the superintendent of schools, Kent Hemingway, and Ms. Allen, issued an apology to the other people in the room that night. They also apologized for not notifying parents about the graphic nature of the book. I suppose that they expect to be “forgiven” for exposing children to pornography, rather than get arrested, which they should be.

As for Marina Baer’s knight-in-shining-armor father? In keeping with radical, second-wave feminist’s pathetically low standards of behavior, there was no apology included in this statement for Mr. Baer. Let him hang for his high crimes and misdemeanors.

And, this story doesn’t end there. Just to add salt to the wounds, or God forbid they admit to any guilt, Hemingway and Allen’s statement went on to defend  the book, claiming that its topics of date rape, sexual and physical abuse, school shootings and bullying were issues that needed to be explored!!!! By who? Innocent 14 year olds? God help our kids if academia thinks these topics are appropriate for innocent children to “explore.” What’s next, kiddie porn and sadomasochistic sex?

First of all, their ridiculous defense for the book presumes that these isolated, rare and deviant experiences will happen to the children, which, with fathers like Mr. Baer to protect their children, they will not. Secondly, it is NOT the children’s responsibility to confront these issues, it is the ADULTS. Just as Mr. Baer proposed to do. But instead, he was arrested for trying to do what should have been done initially – ban the book from school.

Mr. Baer is a wonderful father and Marina is a very lucky girl to have him for her father. I hope he runs for the school board in Gilford.

They need a good beating!

2 thoughts on “Good Guys – William Baer Defends His Young Daughter from School Sponsored Porn and Gets Arrested

  1. This is one of those cases that demonstrate what an upside down world we are living in.

    “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20

    I am also proud of this Dad and I would have been just as angry if this happened in my kids school district. More Christians need to take a stand and we need to stop backing down from these cultural fights with feminists, atheists and humanists.


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