Tagged with Same-sex marriage

Good Guys – Bob Laird, VP of Cardinal Newman Society, Vows to Defy SCOTUS’s Redefinition of Marriage

Good Guys – Bob Laird, VP of Cardinal Newman Society, Vows to Defy SCOTUS’s Redefinition of Marriage

Bob Laird, and the Cardinal Newman Society’s campaign against the legalization of same-sex “marriage” is just one of many battles that they have waged for the souls of mankind. So it should surprise no one that despite the U. S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to legalize same-sex “marriage”, neither Bob, nor the remainder of those … Continue reading

Christ never..??

Christ never..??

Originally posted on See, there's this thing called biology…:
“IB knows Christ never condemned homosexuality or defined marriage.” IB knows no such thing! I haven’t responded to that particular meme because of a lack of time and reluctance to engage in too many debates at once. I will now, however. First off, the word…