
As one of the oldest female baby boomers, my life has been unalterably intertwined with “second-wave” feminist theory. Fortunately, I am one of the lucky women of my generation. I have managed to survive feminism’s tenacious grip with my rational mind still intact. Unfortunately, for many of my female contemporaries, this is NOT the case.

I am writing my blog, which is titled, It’s the Women, NOT the Men! – Surviving Feminism, as a warning to the young women who are following in our footsteps. Beware! Feminists, and the proverbial “snake oil salesmen”, are one in the same. They promise a cure but deliver a curse.

The feminists consider my twenty-five year “career”, as a residential and commercial builder, a raging success. On the surface, the results appear commendable. I conquered the male-dominated field of construction. I routinely managed one hundred men on my job sites and made good money. My “career” nearly qualifies me for feminist sainthood. But today, living with my personal regrets, all I can say about my “success” is, “So, what.” I paid too high a price.

Feminism painted a rosy picture for the young, college bound, female baby boomers of the late 1960s. But regrettably, we were NOT told that the path upon which we were placed was fraught with unfortunate personal compromises, debilitating stress and misguided personal priorities. Sadly, neglected relationships, emotional sacrifices, irreparable familial disruptions and irrational decision-making would become the mainstay of our lives.

Those potential pitfalls were never discussed by the “illustrious”, feminist academics of the late 1960s and early 1970s. 

In retrospect, the leaders of this radical, anti-Christian feminist movement were only interested in the limelight, and in the impersonal, and superficial, results of their theories. They were NOT interested in the tragic losses their troops would suffer while trying to become “liberated”, feminist “Superwomen”.

I have lived through feminism’s heyday and am now graced with 20/20 hindsight. And, as my “liberated” friend Geraldine once said, “If you can’t be a good example, at least be a terrible warning!”

To this end, my blog attempts to translate my “feminist” failures, and that of my contemporaries, into a straightforward dialog about the unintended consequences of adopting a “feminist lifestyle.” 

My blog investigates the origins of the women’s movement, relates it to today’s dysfunctional society and warns about the personal, and cultural, risks inherent in becoming a “liberated” woman.

Time is growing short and our country can no longer sit back and ignore the crisis created by its wholesale adoption of feminism’s “knowing”, as normal.

My blog will show that the dramatic rise of immoral and destructive behavior among women can repeatedly be traced back to the public encouragement of this behavior, as “liberating”, by an irrational, radical, second-wave feminist “leader” or a misguided, female academic’s ambiguous feminist theory.

Through my research, my personal experience, and that of my fifteen, formally fabulous, friends, I will illustrate the damage unleashed on our society by women wallowing in the erroneous theories of personal “independence”, “emancipation”, “freedom”, “self-expression” and “liberation”, specifically, “sexual liberation.”

Unfortunately, most of today’s men are too young to remember what life in America was like before the advent of radical feminism. They don’t remember the peaceful, well-ordered, and stress-free America where good Christian ADULT men selflessly protected, provided for and served their families, communities and country. 

It is my mission to alleviate this deliberate omission, and to instead, fill the void with the truth about our country’s dire need for the critical contributions of our Christian men. 

And so, the encouragement of our young Christian men, to stand tall and be proud of themselves and their God-given mission to save humanity from eternal damnation, has become the principle purpose of my blog.

It is my intent to first, educate young men about the dramatic reversals our culture has suffered, as its reversed the high standards of behavior sustained by the Greatest Generation of Christian men, and embraced instead, the low standards of behavior generated by our current, feminist “free-for-all”, “anything-goes” culture. A culture which was solely created, and continues to be promulgated, by the influential and “liberated”, non-Christian, anti-Christian feminists of the past and present. 

Secondly, my intention is to also expose our young men to the harsh realities of radical feminism’s negative, and often misinterpreted, influence on their daily lives.

Through my experience and insight, these young men will learn what academia has failed to teach them – that they are, indeed, of incalculable value to the perpetuation, and success, of our Christian civilization and, if the truth be known, to the happiness of their women, as well.

I want to encourage these young Christian men in this knowledge.

Thirdly, I want our young men to understand that they can no longer continue to enable women’s irrational feminist behavior through polite deference because it is now painfully clear, that as feminist ideology continues to spread, causing crime, promiscuity, divorce, abortion and adultery statistics to soar, we can no longer afford this polite Christian luxury.

Radical feminist theory has destroyed our traditional Christian family. And this is the primary reason for the societal chaos of today. The chaos, in which children and young people, vainly struggle to find a purpose in their lives and to attain the true happiness to which they are entitled. 

Unlike the tenets of Christianity, the ideology of radical, second and third-wave feminism will provide NEITHER. 

In many ways, feminism has forced young women to tragically disappoint their loved ones, time and time again, while in pursuit of pointless “careers.” Liberated “career” women not only neglect their children, but their extended families as well. They also neglect their churches, neighborhoods, communities, schools, homes and themselves.

These egocentric women are AWOL! And our once illustrious Christian culture, and by association, Western Civilization, is beginning to look the worse for wear. 

The truth is, women CANNOT do everything alone. The concept of “independent” Superwomen” is an unattainable, regret-filled delusion. 

Women need to let go of this ridiculous notion of personal “liberation”, which is falsely promoted as being GOOD for women by radical feminist academia, when it is anything but! They need to embrace their faith once again and allow their Christian men to become their helpmates and to make serious commitments to their well-being. If loved, respected and trusted, these loyal, devoted, and selfless Christian men will NOT disappoint.

Finally, my hope is that young women will not only reject the self-destructive ideology of radical feminism, but embrace the joy generated by a life defined by the tenets of the Christian faith. AND, that they will ultimately learn to trust their Christian men, and RELAX!

In conclusion, my aspirations for these same young women are that they will once again, let Christian men bring stability, peace, sanity and happiness into their lives.

They and their children deserve no less.

K. Q. Duane

133 thoughts on “About

    • OMG! Is NO ONE protecting innocent children from vile abuse anymore? It’s sickening! The lose of Christianity’s influence is painfully visible everywhere. Children still need Guardian Angels and, more importantly, ARCHANGELS to defend them from abject evil!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bonjour Madame. I wrote you comment about poor Jenneifer Fitcher, almost rooting in hell for no serious reason.

        I am a French gentleman, and an architect so almost a colleague of yours. At 65, I am the father of two young women and a man. And I’m afraid I have to contradict you strongly.

        Becoming a happy healthy man at 17 or 18 is not having one’s “innocence taken” ! And even less on’es reputation, as you put it. What ruins a young man’s reputation is rather being a late virgin (I was, at 20)… Sexual majority in France, my homeland, is 15 years and 9 months, for males and females. So you will never talk a civilized French gentleman into agreeing that having sex at 17 and 9 month with a gorgeous young woman is a trauma. No. It’s a delight. Jennifer Fichter is treated with barbaric cruelty. She was a flirtacious young woman, and you were not one, OK. But she is sentenced to never having children. Isn’t that something that will “never go away” ?

        Sincerely, Frederic Allinne


      • Bonjour. Strange question (illicit in France). But definitely not. I’m sorry if it mattered to you. I am Protestant, wich is a minority in France (5%), of Swedish ascent as one cn telle by my name. AS you show your face, I belive it is polite if I do so, you will find me on the Internet, I am the only person on the world called Frédéric ALLINNE.


      • Strange question (it is illicit in France to ask about one’s religion), but no, I’m not Jewish. I’m sorry if it mattered to you. I am merely a French Protestant (a minority of 5% in my country) of Swedish origins. Frédéric ALLINNE


      • Bonjour.

        You recently asked me if I was Jewish, and I replied ; no, I am a French Protestant. Does this throw a better light on my sorrow at the though of this poor young Florida woman, sent to prison for a crime with no victims ?

        I recall the words of our Lord against the stoning of the adulterous woman, as He strictly forbode such cruelty. And this Jennifer Fichter isn’t even adulterous. She didn’t cheat on a husband or wife, she didn’t kill, abuse, harm, injure, insult, blackmail, spy, stalk, kidnap or rob anyone ; she didn’t absorb or sell drugs, she didn’t betray her country.

        By the way, is SHE a Jew ? I coudn’t find this information. But It might explain why some Christians want her to suffer such an ordeal ? Your question made me wonder about that.

        Sincèrement, Frédéric


      • Victimless crime?! That’s the most pathetic bunch of crap I’ve ever heard anyone say to try to justify evil behavior! No, this is not a victimless crime! She just debauched three kids in her care and shocked their families, community and school district to the core! What’s to keep her from going after 12 year olds the next time?! And then 7 year olds?! Where do you think the law should start protecting other people’s innocent children from demented and “trusted”predators? 2 year olds!!?? She’s a disgusting deviant and a narcissist pig and should be treated as such. You’re no better than she is as you spew your version of moral relativism in your disgusting effort to make excuses for her despicable betrayal of her role as teacher and protectorate of children. Try putting yourself in the shoes of the parents! Evil behavior is NEVER victimless (even the perpetrator of these kinds of crimes was obviously a victim of someone or they wouldn’t do these awful things) and it’s NEVER excusable because it shreds EVERYONE’S confidence in all the remaining teachers at the school to be trusted to do good, rather than evil. NOTHING good comes out of sexually mistreating children because it makes it nearly impossible for the children to ever view sex as the crucial spiritual bond that sustains a life-long commitment to their spouse and it should therefore be universally, and loudly, condemned as the evil, deviant behavior it truly is!


    • That was AWESOME! It should be shown in every church in America! We have so many young men who are wasting their lives away here, who would rise to the occasion, IF THEY WERE JUST CALLED TO DO SO! Thank you. I sent it to my son, who is searching for something, other than self-gratification, to define his life. I would say to him, pack your bags. I give you permission to go, in the name of Jesus.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Dear Mrs. Duane,

    I have been going through the archives of your blog. Thank you for telling the truth about feminism, ugly though it is. It’s also a blessing to see that not all Baby Boomer women got drawn into it to the point of no return. The Lord has been quite merciful to you.

    I’m looking forward to reading more. Keep up the great work and God bless! 🙂


    • Thank you very much for your kind words. I pray my blog will help young women avoid the clutches of radical feminism, before it destroys their ability to find true happiness in their lives. Young women must turn to God for the strength, and resolve, to firmly reject feminism’s sinister ideology, for themselves, but more importantly, for their children.


      • Per the comment in your “About” page regarding the education of the men of my generation. I’m 28. As you know from my previous posts, I understand the reality of feminism from first principles. I’ve come to understand its evil nature even more intimately since I converted to Christianity at the age of 20, but I had already determined that I would only marry a devout Christian girl, i.e., whom I would make a woman. No female was going to come to my marriage bed with a history. I’m a man. I command and possess. I don’t take other men’s leavings. I determined that I wouldn’t tolerate that insult to the dignity of my masculinity.

        Once again, just today, some silly girl reminded me to note the dictionary definition of feminism. My response:

        Here we have yet another silly girl telling us that feminism is what the dictionary and she says it is. Well, here’s a news flash: there’s no such thing as sociopolitical equality between men and women; there’s no such thing as equal authority between men and women. By nature, men bear the greater burden of responsibility for civilization. So-called equality is axiomatically the oppression and dehumanization of men. Feminism is evil.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It is truly heartbreaking to read the comments from those that disagree with the truth that you are sharing! Women are Special, and Very Wonderful. I hate to see young girls throw away the single, most precious gift they have (their virginity) to some guy that does not care for her, and most likely is lying to her, telling her what she wants to hear, just to get in to her pants, then discard her like trash after he gets what he wanted. Even worse is the way girls disrespect themselves, and think they are “liberated” and can sleep with anyone she wants with no consequences, then kill their own children in the name of “choice” All this “equality thought of as good by feminists is destroying society in so many ways, and the girls are going after it like sheep to the slaughter! I keep on seeing 2 Bible quotes that are so relevant for today Isaiah 5:2-21 and John 3:19-20…..
    Jesus IS our only hope for this sinful society! Please keep up the good work!
    I am happily married to my wife of 27 years, and we have 4 kids together.I am committed to being the best Father & role model I can be for our kids. Teaching them Biblical values. Sex is for marriage. Hopefully people will learn the truth of this.


    • That has become my life’s mission. I want to show young girls the evil truth behind radical feminism, BEFORE they naively succumb to the drumbeat of mind-numbing “careerism” and sexual” liberation” as promoted by these twisted females. A radical feminist lifestyle is, by no means, the nirvana they portray it to be. It is, in fact, just the reverse. Thank you for your comments.


    • Could not agree more with her conclusions. The only missing link was the reason for these aggressive women’s behavior. Feminism, and only feminism, creates the women she describes. I prayer this connection will finally become common knowledge so that Christian men and women finally begin to recognize feminism as their fiercest foe. Only this knowledge will embolden Christian men to vanquish this anti-Christian, and highly destructive, feminist ideology forever. Thank you for the link.


  3. This has nothing to do with feminism. What you’re discussing is the very danger and negative effects that happen with capitalism. There’s nothing wrong with capitalism, unless you let it consume you and it becomes the only valuable thing in your life. The mentality of I don’t need anyone and I can do it all by myself is a capitalistic view. It’s all about being competitive. The idea that success is measure by holding a construction job where you boss over several men is also a capitalistic one. Trust me when I tell you that men are also not happy when they are forced into this lifestyle. It’s not just women who are unhappy. Men who live like this are also unhappy. This is why the suicide rate for men is so high. Women who confuse feminism with thinking that it means living the way a man is stereotypically expected to get a glimpse of why so many men are so unhappy. You’ve just explained the worst of capitalism and it has nothing to do with feminism.


    • I think you’ve missed my point. First of all, if it weren’t for capitalism, we’d all be starving. That has absolutely nothing to do with the problems women are coping with as “career” women. My point is that feminism brainwashes women to believe that they can ONLY find personal fulfilment by pursuing a “career”, at the expense of all else in their lives, including their personal lives, but especially their family lives. This is a betrayal of the highest order, because once in their 40s, there is no do over.


  4. I am utterly horrified by this blog. You are so ignorant in your understanding of both men and women. Please people, stand up proud and be a feminist.


  5. From my experiance univercities are still the breeding ground for not just femminists but all politically correctness perverting and destrying our country. It ssems as if the white English speaking Christian man is constantly under attack

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are absolutely correct and the attacks are politically motivated by lesbian-led radical, second-wave feminists who abhor Christian men for what they stand for, but more importantly, for what they won’t stand for. Non-Christian radical, second-wave feminist founders, including Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan, invented political correctness out of thin air, simply as a vehicle to undermine Christian standards of behavior. We are now living with the twisted, debauched, irrational results of this asinine undertaking.


  6. Just a quick question. Your comment about not EVERY Muslim being a violent extremist but the MAJORITY of them being, what figures is this based on? How many Muslims do you know personally and how many do you know that are violent extremists?


    • Do you watch the news? Who are the most ferocious, violent terrorists today? Muslims. They butcher Christians, rape their women, behead infidels, kill American Ambassadors while posting it all on the internet. No one who is truly in touch with the world news can deny that young Muslim men, whether in Iraq, London, Bali, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Yemen, Boston, NYC, Somalia or Lebanon, etc. etc. are determined terrorists seeking the annihilation of Christians and Jews. Their “religion” was founded by Mohammed, who was a warlord and a pedophile. How could anything good come of that kind of “inspiration?” As far back as the 12th century European Crusades, Christians have been trying to deal with their barbarism. If you are truly interested in learning more, read “An American Bride in Kabul” by Phyllis Chesler. It is a personal memoir and is full of inside observations of the warped and dangerous Muslim male mind.


    • Just checking. My notifications indicate that I did not reply to this comment, despite the fact that I did. My reply to this comment is posted under “About.” If for some reason you didn’t receive my response, you can find it there.


  7. ” The concept of Superwoman is an unattainable delusion. Women need to let go of this ridiculous notion and allow their men to make serious commitments to their well-being. If loved, respected and trusted, they will not disappoint.”
    But what if they do KQ? Sometimes it is not about trying to be superwoman – it is imposed upon a woman who put her faith in these ideologies and found herself the only one in the partnership participating.


    • If the men do disappoint, it is very likely the woman married an unbeliever. Having said that, you’ll note in my About, I am writing principally for the young women who are considering following in our “liberated” footsteps. Unfortunately, for those who have already committed themselves to a feminist lifestyle and have replaced their Christian faith with the ideology of feminism, the struggle will be much more difficult especially if the husband also believes in radical feminism. I would suggest rediscovering your faith. It is the first step towards reconciliation for both husband and wife. It is why the sacrament of marriage has worked for thousands of years. Both spouses must be dedicated to this sacrament first and then to each others happiness and then to the joy of their children and from there, through prayer, everything else will come into alignment.


      • The man in question was my dad. He is, with my mother, Christian from a culture where there is no question that the man is boss and the woman merely follows. They couldn’t even spell feminism let alone know what it is or be influenced by it. He is merely one example that might suggest that people of all faiths are fallible and that maybe sweeping generalizations are slightly odd.


      • KQ you’re too funny. Feminism did not play part! Just humans making their decisions. I’m sorry I can’t twist my story to suit your anti-feminist agenda. It just didn’t happen like that. Mom, a very devout Christian was abandoned by Father, also a Christian, who left all his Christian raised children behind. Bad person makes bad choice. – No feminism needed lol. 🙂


      • That’s VERY unfortunate for all of you. Feminism would have you believe all men are like your Dad, which they are not. Despite what you think, your father was NOT a true Christian. Christian men do not abandon their God-given families. And, although you may be tempted, try not to hate your father for what he did because he obviously has his own demons to contend with and your life is too valuable to waste on hate. Concentrate on your Christian faith and help and love your Christian mother. She is the one who needs you, sans hate. Good luck and God bless.


      • But you are making assumptions KQ, I DON’T believe all men are like my dad in the slightest! My dad was like my dad. Period. I don’t even hate him. I was merely saying that I see people as people, not as their beliefs or ideologies. PEOPLE get things wrong or right – an ideology is merely a tool. I could use Christianity to prove just about any point I wanted to, such as women should keep quiet and let their husbands do the talking – which would impact you and your blogging. I’m paraphrasing but it’s there in the Bible.
        Feminism or any other ideology is a tool. Any tool that is mis-used or followed doggedly without common sense prevailing will achieve negative results. As would Christianity or dare I say (bearing in miind our precious conversation) Muslim beliefs. If folks make mistakes in their life why not own up to it and stop blaming ideologies because no one held a gun to your head to follow it.
        Having said that KQ I’m not a hater. I find you very interesting and will try and keep up with your new postings on this firebrand matter.


      • Glad you have not responded to your Dad’s issues by absorbing the negativity he generated..And.yes, of course,all ideologies can be twisted to suit the individuals disposition but with Christianity, there are very few of its tenets, unlike most other “faiths”, that can be interpreted to create evil. Christianity, without question, has throughout history produced good, moral, ethical people who use Christianity’s tenets to lead productive, happy and fullfilling lives. It has changed humanity dramatically for the better,and by association, it has changed the world for the better too.
        And, to be honest, to Bible was not too far off the mark concerning quiet women. We could do with a lot fewer big-mouthed, opinionated females in the world, They usually cause nothing but trouble.
        I find you to be very interesting too. Glad you’ll keep checking in and take care.


  8. I was a young boy when radical feminism was just starting and remember feeling intrinsically evil and inadequate just for being born with a penis.

    Peace ~ Bear


    • However, I do think that your view is myopic by just blaming radical feminism for the break down of the family. I do not want my two daughters living in a world were they have no choice but to marry and have lots of rug rats.

      Peace ~ Bear


      • That’s a VERY poor view of family life and children. There must be more to your story. And, oddly, you are unwittingly regurgitation the very essence of radical feminism’s ideology. Destroy the men, you destroy the family. Working is fine, if they are childless but if they have minor children, those little souls need their mother more than the air they breath – and not just nights and weekends. Trust me, your daughters will never find their bliss, working. They will only find it by marrying a good man and having their own beloved children. Don’t ruin it for them.


    • That was lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminism’s ultimate goal, to denigrate Christian men for the very role God wanted them to play on earth. And, incredibly it worked, Now it’s time to unwind the clock and draw down the politically correct insanity they have bequeathed to America. It’s time for Christian men to shut-them down by exposing them for the crazies they are.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I don’t quite understand what you mean by “surviving feminism”. The definition of feminism is simple: equal treatment of women and men. Women have faced many difficulties and obstructions in the past, e.g. the obligation to sacrifice careers in order to be housewives.

    I believe everybody should have equal rights, equal pay and the freedom to choose what they want to do, whether that is staying at home and raising children or going out and working from 9 – 5 every day. Feminism is not about being alone and independent: it is about the freedom to choose.


    • You must be very young. Please continue to read all of my Short Essays (especially First vs. Second vs. Third-Wave Feminism) and my Current EVEnts for a better understanding of the truth behind the guise of female “liberation.” Just use “Search” for both, in the right column of my home page at kqduane.com. Unfortunately, feminism is not as innocuous as you believe. You are very misinformed, which is exactly what radical feminist leaders want – keep the troops in the dark while they use you as a pawn to accomplish their radical agenda, most of which you probably wouldn’t agree with and much of which you would probably oppose outright. Keep searching. You will eventually learn the truth and, also save yourself a lot of heartache in the process. Good luck and God Bless.


      • Please do not patronise me by assuming that my beliefs are due to my age. My mother (who is a happy, strong woman in her sixties) also believes in equality between men and women.

        Feminism can be whatever we want it to be and my personal definition of feminism is stated above: pure equality and the right to choose. It is up to others if they want to distort feminism into something which it is not.

        I’m afraid we disagree so much that we must simply agree to disagree.


      • I too am in my sixties and it was not my intent to patronize you. Your youth has everything to do with your feelings about feminism. Lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminism is not “whatever we want it to be” and it is certainly not “pure equality and the right to choose” because, firstoft, included in that sound bite called “equality” is feminism’s underlying efforts to gain their supposed “equality” at the expense of Christian men. The very same men who are our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. The men who created the greatest entity in human history – Western Civilization, which was created though their blood, sweat, tears and courage generated by their honorable devotion to the tenets of Christianity. But the radical feminists see nothing more than these men’s opposition to homosexuality, which God opposed first and foremost. These women’s agenda has nothing to do with their public objections to female “oppression” and “domination” by these Christian men because there is not a shred of truth to that allegation. Christian men want nothing more then to protect and provide for the families they love and nothing more. Non-Christian, Betty Friedan made up all that nonsense because she was miserable in her own family life and it spread because the young TV industry loved her antics. Secondly, it is lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminism that has “distorted” feminism, not I. It is they, who want nothing more than to make Christian morality illegal in their efforts to “normalize” their lifestyle in the public’s eye. Read my post about this effort – “Good Guys – Matt Barber…” for more on these legal efforts. And lastly, as for “the right to choose”, this includes the deliberate murder of unborn children because of fornication, job demands, college demands or drunkenness, etc. etc. I’ve yet to hear a legitimate excuse for abortion. Even to save the “mother’s life” has proved to be a lie, because with today’s amazing hospitals that doesn’t happen anymore. Read my posts “Abyss of Abortion”, “Crimes Against Children”, “Good Guy – Phil Kline”, “Current EVEntS – Melissa Harris-Perry Says Child Not Alive Until Parents Decide It’s Alive.” and Why Does America Hate Children?.” But, if abortion suits you as well, then you’re right, we can never agree because you have substituted feminism for your faith and that signals the end of the discussion. But again, I wish you well.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Your blog is awesome! I am so glad I came across it, though I don’t know how. It must’ve been those lovely quotes you put up. Oh yes! That post about the different views men and women have about money and how they use it must have been the pull. Either way, had this blog not existed, I never would have known about the subject. Oh no. I just realized that a vast majority of the female friends I have had over the course of my life were radical second wave feminists!
    A lot of the problems I had with them make so much sense now. Thanks for this. I’ll keep following you.


    • Thank you. Most men never connect the dots because they never considered feminism a threat. In fact, most men thought it was silly- burning bras and marching in the street, etc. and they surely didn’t object to the sexual revolution part of the “movement.” Unfortunately while the men continued to prepare themselves to protect and provide for their future families, the young women were being radicalized by entrenched radical feminists on college campus’s across the nation. So basically, the terrible outcome snuck up on men and unfortunately most still don’t understand why women are “suddenly” so troublesome. I am trying to offset that ignorance so that men can rectify the situation through the reignition of their faith in Jesus. Thanks for your comments.


  11. Hi
    I have a nominated you for a few awards please free to pick and choose which ones you want.
    I think you deserve them all should you choose to accept them.

    Check out my page in “awards”


    • It is my fondest hope that more young women will come to realize just how personally disastrous it is to adopt a radical, second-wave feminist lifestyle. I want them to become aware of its sinister ideology, which is solely based on deceit and untruths, before it is too late for them to extricate themselves from its grip. Thank you for your help to spread the word.


  12. Luck? };-)>

    1. “The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.” (Edward Gibbon)

    2. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” (Sun Tzu)



  13. K.Q.,

    Please fire me an email at themirrorbooks@gmail.com and I’ll send you the manuscript. It should be 99.5% typo free by this point; I await the galley proofs from the self publisher.

    I’m afraid (pleased, actually) that OUT doesn’t begin to describe what this book and the sequel will do to feminism. I’m thinking more in terms of destroying it, which the underlying theory (plain language, easy to grasp) predicts will happen.




    • I would be THRILLED if you were able to accomplish that!! The women themselves are the hardest sell. Their lives are so deeply, and in most cases, unwittingly, enveloped by radical feminism’s ideology that anyone who questions the validity of their assumptions is viciously attacked. They really are their own worst enemies. I will send you an email. Good luck!


  14. KQD,

    Found your blog via a recent comment you made on Spiritbath. We are aligned in our thoughts on the matter of feminism. It is all lies, and I have a rational explanation as to why this is so.

    I began an inquiry into the fundamental nature of feminism in 2008 as a result of severe abuse at the hands of feminists during an ugly divorce. I discovered something significant that explains the nature of the 2nd wave feminists (and their deformed “intellectual” progeny) whom you write about.

    I’ll be explaining this over the course of a couple of interesting books, but these false prophetesses suffer or suffered from a gender specific form of narcissism. This delves into a unified construct of gender narcissism that I have developed that literally explains everything about feminism and what it has become.

    You’re welcome to have a free read of the first book (coming out in February) if you’re interested. My test readers all seem to think it’s a gripping read. No offence taken if you’re not interested, and I’ll certainly maintain following your blog. themirrorbooks@gmail.com



    • Nice to hear someone is finally going to OUT these sinister feminist fanatics. My initial intent was to write a book too. It was titled, It’s the Women, Not the Men! and How They’re Ruining Our Good Time. I began my blog in order to build a platform for the book but discovered that writing the blog was much more rewarding then it was writing the book. It’s the instant gratification. I would be very please to read your book and I wish you much success with it.


    • Hi Steven, I thought you may be able to add a new voice for a big group of misguided malcontented kids who irrationally loathe Christianity and LOVE feminism. The WordPress site is titled, “Nan’s Notebook.” They are living in an echo chamber. Hope all is well.


  15. wow, I mean wow,you have some courage I will give you that,I am sure you have been on occasion accused of being brainwashed.
    I kind of see both sides what you say is true,there needs to be a balance.The challenge is getting the men educated enough to actually step up and take care of business and pick up and do their part.

    I mean it all all goes back to understanding ………….I don’t know how you are going to do it but ,I am sticking with you to find out,because so far you got me thinking in realms I never went before.


    • My conclusions are based on many, many years of personal disillusion with the feminist lifestyle. There is no true happiness possible when you adopt feminism for your faith. So, providing sage advice and “food for thought”, for both young men and young women who are embroiled in that same disingenuous lifestyle, has always been my goal. Very glad you are open to listening. Good luck and God bless.


  16. You couldn’t be more correct, in the US this feminism movement has gotten out of hand. Places like Saudi Arabia have the right idea. Women should not be aloud to drive, go to school and vote. Furthermore they should be forced to be completely covered up except, of course openings for eyes. I personally like that women should not be seen out of the house with out a man, unless going to the market, because we can’t expect man to go to the market.

    Maybe one day or county will catch up with the Muslim’s way of thinking.

    Keep up the good work!


    • Well, the Muslims are violent extremists and I certainly do not advocate following their twisted way of life but I do advocate that we return to our Christian roots where men are honorable, women are respectable and both love God, family and country, in that order.


      • Well of course everyone knows that every single Muslim is a violent extremist, even the ones living among us silently plotting against us. I was just pointing out they never strayed from their roots because they never gave their women the rights to allow something like the feminist movement. Now with our country in disarray, it is the perfect opportunity for them to strike, and they know it.


      • Every single Muslim? No, but definitely the majority. And yes, in our naive malaise, we are very vulnerable to their patient pursuit of jihad. Read “An American Bride in Kabul” to fully understand the risk they pose to our Christian culture, and especially our women.


  17. Thanks for a this eye opener. I know exactly what you mean. I wrote a 5 blog series not too long ago on “The Liberated Woman” from a Godly standpoint. A few feminist didn’t like it! LOL!


    • Hi Don,
      Thank you so much for the nomination for the “I Am Part of the WordPress Family Award.” I am very honored. WordPress is a fabulous organization that allows those without a voice to, not only find their voice, but to, literally, broadcast it around the world. There is nothing more rewarding than to be given a brilliantly created, user-friendly website host that makes it so easy to write to your heart’s content. It is just as rewarding to know that you are part of a global family of writers who are as passionate about their chosen topic, as you are about yours. It is truly a privilege to be part of that universal family.
      Thank you again.
      K. Q. Duane


  18. Great post. I am not religion, but even on exploring this topic from a secular point of view I find everything you have said here to be true. Women need men, children need men, society needs men and feminism does not really acknowledge that enough.


    • Feminism not only doesn’t acknowledge it, it actually denies it. But more importantly, they deny the critical underlying glue that has made for successful and joyful familial relationships for centuries. It’s the Christian love, taught to us by Jesus. Most of the founding radical, second-wave feminists were non-Christian women who were the products of dysfunctional families and their twisted view of family life permeated their ideology. They were neglected children of neglected children and this results in very unhappy adults seeking revenge on those who are happy.


  19. Hey, my pleasure:)

    Trying to put negativity aside, my personal solution was/is to take myself out of the equation. I’m not interested in leading and supporting those who wilfully oppose me at every opportunity, why should I or why would I ? Life is just too short and there’s plenty of opportunities elsewhere to be valued and respected as a man, so why stick around with the haters !

    I’m an ex-pat now, met an amazing non-western woman, very strong willed and very strong heart, very beautiful in many ways, very happy with her. She’s been with me at my lowest and supported me like a rock, she realises that my well-being is one in the same as her well-being. I am of the same mind.

    I’m glad that more western women are waking up to the toxicity of the paradigms embraced in the 60’s, and realising that they need good strong hearted men as much as we need them to be good strong hearted mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and girlfriends.

    Good luck with your quest, and in making a difference:)


    Don Charisma


    • Hi Don, You are blessed to have found a good woman. Be sure and marry her, if you haven’t already. She deserves no less. Also, don’t take yourself too far out of the equation. Your influence and sound opinions are needed by those, desperate, people who have chosen the wrong path in life. I hope you’ll speak up, when the opportunity presents itself. Thanks for your comments. K

      Sent from my iPhone


      • Hey, although I’ve made a lot of dumb choices, they have made me a better judge of character. Woman I’m with has got a good heart, I knew first moment I saw her. Marriage, well I still have burnt fingers from the last one, but never say never !
        Maybe later I’ll be able to do something to help should the opportunity arise. Priority is looking after myself, my loved ones and my friends first. Helping to improve circumstances for western women who’ve caused so much carnage, hard to see a priority, at the moment anyway. The dudes I do feel sorry for !
        Keep in touch

        Don Charisma


      • You are focused in the well-being of those you love. No one could ask for more. You will have a more positive effect on the future of humanity than most governments. Cheers to you too.


  20. Wow, it’s almost like you’ve said what I’ve been thinking all these years, so truly well said. My mother is from the baby boom years in USA (I’m british, and so is she, but she grewup in USA), so I understand exactly what you’ve said, but never ever had it expressed for me so well.

    I thank you for standing up and doing something, better this coming from a woman …
    I’ll have more a read of your blog when I get time, maybe drop you an email if that’s OK.

    You’re in my links –> A1 Top

    Kind regards

    Don Charisma


    • Thank you for your comments Don. You are my target audience and it’s very rewarding to hear that my blog is resonating with you. I believe that most young people do not realize what radical, second-wave feminism has stolen from them and it is my goal to continue to expose their negative influence in every way possible. It is also my hope that by giving the young men (and in many cases the young women) enough ammo about their scurrilous ideology and the disturbing results of adopting their lesbian-based, “feminist lifestyle”, that our young men will vocally rebuke it and steer the young women, within their sphere of influence, away from its seriously flawed and twisted views of white, Christian men. Please feel free to print and hand out any of my posts that you feel may help in that endeavor. Gook luck and God bless.


    • Thank you. That is the intent of my entire blog. I hope you will continue to peruse more of my titles and topics, alphabetically listed in the “Index.” Many are VERY thought provoking.


    • When my concept peaks people’s interest, my hope is that it will then raise those same people’s awareness to the issue and allow them to assemble their own bank of evidence, and experience, which will eventually prove my point to them. Awareness is my principle reason for writing the blog. Thank you for your comment. Please keep reading. You may find much that rings true.


  21. Fantastic. Agree 100%. I’m a career-woman-turned-part-time-lunch-lady. I never aspired to become a school lunch lady, but my career in education was tearing my family apart. I now work the ideal hours of 10-2, only during the school year, and the difference it’s made at home cannot be understated. I have no regrets giving up my 50+ hour a week career. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

    Thank you for starting this insightful blog.


    • I am thrilled that you made the right choice. So many young woman fail to see the long term damage done to themselves and the people they love when they adopt a radical feminist lifestyle. You obviously love your family very much and despite the assertions of radical feminism, that’s the only salve for women’s souls, not abusing themselves and their loved ones pursuing a pointless career.


      • I’m a 13 year old girl who at this young age is smarter than you because my mother raised me right and I know that I don’t have to depend on some guy to pay the bills because I’m smart and I can live my dream


      • No, you have been raised by a radical, second-wave feminist, who has made all the classic feminist mistakes with her life, the most devastating of which is, the betrayal of your future happiness. Having a job and paying your own bills doesn’t compare to the loss you will suffer, personally, by denying yourself the love of a young Christian man, who, by the way, will love and support you emotionally, long after your mother is gone. Please continue to read through my blog, especially the “Short Essays” and “Current EVEntS” to see what your future feminist life truly holds. I hope it will make you understand that a feminist lifestyle is fraught with emotional pain and leaves all but the hard-core lesbian leaders of feminism, heart-broken, angry and alone. Good luck and God bless.


    • Too many young people have no idea how destructive radical, second wave feminism has been. I want these same young people to understand its destructive, subversive nature so that they can begin to offset its twisted influence on America and the world.


      • Your a half minded bitch and I’m not wasting my time with you so don’t bother responding because I am never going to this site again and I hope christ helps you realize that he accepts everyone if you don’t realize that when your in hell I’ll make sure to send you a letter.


  22. Wow! What a great post and a great blog! We can see the carnage of this radical feminism all around us. As the mother of 7 (3 boys and 4 girls) I am constantly trying to protect all of them from the feminist influence so predominant in our society. Glad to know that there are women from your generation working to debunk the myth that so many boomers are still trying to push.


    • Thank you for your comment. My blog is my way of trying to apologize for being one of those gullible young college women from the early 1970s who foolishly promoted radical feminism. As an older woman, it has proven to be a disastrous lifestyle to have embraced. I hope my blog helps young women see its destructive evil before they too succumb.


      • U r a awfull person rgb needs to school u on how women deserve to be able to do what they want with their body’s and how a girl can be more than just some dumb house wife


      • No, you are an ignorant, angry, young fool who has been brainwashed by radical feminism to believe you are unworthy and undeserving of being treated well by men. You will learn very soon that giving your precious body to guys who are takers, rather than givers, will leave you alone, miserable and loaded with regrets. The very best thing you can do for yourself is to keep reading my blog, especially the “Current EVEntS” in order to see who you are unwittingly aligning yourself with and what your future holds if you stay this destructive course. Also, if you have the guts, read my post, “Short Essay – Radical Feminism’s True Legacy – Being Single, Sidelined and 60 Sucks.” Good luck and God Bless.


      • Jean I think your right. I’m only 13 and my mother raised so that I know I don’t need to wait around for my prince to save the day I’m capable of during on my own.


      • Ok so I thought I would read your blog to see if maybe I was to harsh…lol telling a thirteen year old girl that she will die unloved and alone omg. You really do have issues…


      • When do you think you should start to protect your young daughters from the evil that can devour her? At 25? By then, its WAY TOO LATE! Young girls must be prepared, BEFORE high school, to make the right decisions concerning their futures. And,since most female teenagers (in the secular, sexualized country) stupidly lose their virginity to a NOBODY in high school, they need to know that they are of more valuable then to be simply used for a one-night-stand or a hook-up. Whether you want to believe it or not, there isn’t a good guy on earth who’s going to want a nasty, used piece of trash when he’s looking for a woman to become his wife, and the mother of his children. And, ALL 13 year old girls need to know that, BEFORE they pointlessly get trashed in high school.


      • I believe a and a female need, love and want each other and it is for the two of them to decide what their roles with each other and in society are together as a team. The traditional female and male roles are awesome and amazing lifestyles for those that want it and choose it, but all humanity deserves the right to choose to be what they want in life…you generalize and need everything in a tidy little box. Just because you are sixty and alone does not mean we all will be lol


      • I’m sorry but you are unwittingly regurgitation the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism again. Trying to rewrite the Creator’s plan for men and women just so people can, as the radical feminists state, “be all that they can be”, is why there are SO many unhappy relationships in the world.
        Yes, mankind has a free will granted to them by God but, luckily He also gave each and every one of us, an instruction manual for life too, called the Bible, so that we are assured that we make the RIGHT choices. In other words, we have a free will with codicils. Those who deliberately ignore those precepts are doomed to live a lesser life. And this is the warning that I am trying to get across to millions of terribly misguided feminists.


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