Current EVEntS – Radical, Third-Wave Feminist High Priestess Jessica Valenti Proposes Public Orgy in Hobby Lobby Stores

Jessica Valenti

Jessica Valenti

Ms. Valenti is supposed to be this hard-nosed, radical, third-wave feminist.  But, as we all know, appearances may be deceiving. In reality, she is a totally conflicted, irrational, and completely irreconcilable fraud, or in other words, a typical “liberated” female, unable to make a commitment to anyone, not even herself.

Valenti attributes her involvement with radical feminism to her mother, Ms. Michelucci-Valenti, who is herself, a radical, second-wave feminist. And in typical radical feminist fashion, Valenti’s “mother” brought her to her first pro-choice rally when she was just 10. Ironic or tragic?

Obviously, Valenti’s Italian mother had, like most radical, second-wave feminist, female baby-boomers, substituted radical feminist ideology for her Christian (Catholic) faith. On the other hand, Jessica’s father, converted from Catholicism to Buddhism. My guess is this occurred while he was still in college.

With this sort of conflicted upbringing is it any surprise that in 2002, the 23-year-old, Ms. Valenti, received a Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies with a concentration in Political Science from Rutgers University in New Jersey?

In 2004, while working in the legal defense department of National Organization for Women (NOW), the already disgruntled Ms.Valenti, started a blog called She claims it was begun out of sheer frustration with the dismissive attitude of the older feminists who worked with her at NOW.

And, to no one’s surprise, as “daughters of the disgruntled”, in their inimitable fashion, the second-wave feminists, both condemned, and applauded, Ms. Valenti’s blog. Some feminists asserted that her blog brought feminism back from the dead. While others claimed that her blog was just this side of porn.

In reality, her blog exposed the ever-widening gap between the older, second-wave feminists and the next generation of younger, third-wave feminists. The baby-boomer generation of radical, second-wave feminists believed that the new crop of younger third-wave feminists, who promoted public, and manipulative, sexuality for women, were undertaking their efforts at the expense of feminism’s, hard-fought, high-brow reputation. While, on the other hand, the younger, third-wave feminists believed that espousing explicit sexuality for women was “empowering.”  In my opinion, they are both wrong.

Well, despite receiving death threats due to her blog, Ms. Valenti’s “reputation” continued to grow she became the quintessential radical, third-wave feminist leader. She learned the radical feminist schtick backwards and forwards and lived her, sexually “liberated” life, accordingly.

Rutgers Women's Studies Professor Jessica Valenti

The, New and Improved, Rutgers Women’s Studies “Professor” Jessica Valenti

For the next several years, Ms. Valenti perfected her politically correct persona through her blog, while concurrently upholding feminism’s mandate to continue to “preach to the choir.” In this effort, she wrote the de rigueur feminist books, spoke to feminist groups on college campus’ and taught the feminist manifesto to other potential inductees.

In order to accomplish this last proviso, Ms. Valenti returned, as a “professor”, to Rutgers University’s Women’s Studies Department to teach an intellectually stimulating, and thought-provoking, course titled, “Gender and Pop Culture”.

And then, in 2008, the earth shook, as Ms. Radical Feminist Valenti, aged 29, realised that she had fallen in love with the Jewish deputy publisher of Talking Points Memo, Andrew Golis, who was 24 and just out of Harvard. OMG! And, to make matters worse, she wanted to get married and have kids too!!!!

Ms. Valenti was quoted as saying, during the “wedding” controversy with her troops, that “You come to a point where you give up on holding yourself to a perfect feminist ideal — it just feels stifling.” She went on to say that some of her ideas had ‘softened a bit’ once she began to plan her wedding. Valenti continued, “You can say all you want about something, but then there’s the experience.”

Jessica Valenti's Wedding

Jessica Valenti’s Wedding

Despite the increasing onslaught of criticism, concerning her upcoming wedding, the ceremony took place in October of 2009. Not only did radical feminist Ms. Valenti have the nerve to get married but she was married by a Universal Life minister. AND, the ceremony included all of the traditional trappings, including a lovely wedding gown and New York Times coverage. OMG!


Valenti became pregnant soon after the ceremony. And in 2010, while suffering from pre-eclampsia and a failing liver, she delivered the couple’s daughter Layla, 3 months pre-mature.

In 2012, Valenti resigned from claiming she wanted to leave it in younger hands. Nice happy ending for a reformed feminist, correct? Afraid not!

The first hint of trouble came soon after the wedding ceremony, during an interview with the Chateau Heartiste website, when Ms. Valenti explained,  “I’m keeping my last name. I think hyphenation is nice – and that’s probably the route we’ll go with kids – but I like my last name. A bunch. I’ve even considered adding in my mother’s last name as well, as a little “fuck you” to the patriarchy, but I think Jessica Michelucci Valenti is too much of a mouthful, even for one with as big a mouth as me.”

Then, in September of 2012, just 18 months after the birth of her daughter,Valenti, “the traitor”, began to make overtures to the wounded troops when she returned to her old stomping grounds after the publication of her book, “Why Have Kids?”  In an interview with she was asked, “Can you expand? I love hearing women speak honestly about not placing their child at the center of their “universe”,  to which she replied,

“I love my daughter more than anything and anyone – but I don’t see raising her as my life’s mission or the most important thing I will ever do. It’s the most important relationship I’ll ever have, I’m sure. But Layla isn’t a work product, you know? I want her to feel loved and important and to be an ethical, independent kid. I do that, and I can help her be the person she’s going to be, without making “mother” my primary identity. To be clear – I’m not saying that’s a “wrong” or less wonderful identity to have than any other. But for me, I’m not a mother first. I’m a person first, and being a mother is one part of me. I also have enough confidence in my relationship with Layla that I know she will never doubt the depth of my love for her.

I think this “mom first” framework is really troubling, actually. It’s why we venerate moms who are killing themselves to subsume their identity into their children. It’s even why every so often you’ll see some media story about a pregnant woman who refused to undergo chemo and died so her baby could live. That’s a brave choice to make, to be sure, but framing women who die as the best moms of all makes me mighty uncomfortable. Poe once said that “the death of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetic topic in the world.” I see those stories as sort of conforming to that narrative. I tried to do it myself – when I was in the hospital and things were getting pretty bad, they told me they were going to induce me soon. I tried to convince them and my husband to let me take on more risks health-wise to keep her in longer. It was stupid, actually, because me getting sicker didn’t do her any favors – but I think at the heart of it, I knew that a “good” mom would make it absolutely clear that her health and life came second. I derived some sort of perverse pride from it – maybe I still do, actually – but all it did was hold up what was an inevitable end to the pregnancy.”

Now, if that isn’t the most confused, conflicted and irrational commentary you’ve ever read, I’ll be amazed. This exposes the most serious feminist deceit inflicted on the women who replace their Christian faith with the ideology of radical feminism. 

Feminism thrives on young, inexperienced women’s naiveté! And, when the truth about who they really are, is finally acknowledged (and it always is), these devotees of radical feminism are left with no other alternative than to feverishly try to deny their true desires, in order to soothe the troops. And, not only does this add to the twisted stress of living a feminist lifestyle, if the truth be known, it is nearly impossible to do convincingly. As Sir Walter Scott once wrote, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

The GuardianWell, just to put to rest anyone’s suggestion that Valenti is truly a traitor, and has thereby abandoned her feminist troops, in March of this year, she was hired by (this is the same liberal British paper that leaked the documents Edward J. Snowden stole from USA). And, boy, did this bitch return with a vengeance to the raunchy reality of radical, third-wave feminism. 

U. S. supreme court logoIn July 2014, in her new position with The Guardian, she viciously attacked the (SCOTUS) U. S. Supreme Court’s decision to approve the Hobby Lobby Craft Store’s Christian owner’s right to religious freedom.

The court’s decision upheld the company’s right to refuse to supply their female employees with four of the, Obamacare mandated, “morning after” abortifacient pills. And, in typical rabid, radical feminist fashion, Ms. Valenti viciously tweeted,

“Maybe women should organize a safe-sex f***-in at every Hobby Lobby across the country. In the glitter aisle. JUST A THOUGHT.”

Ms. Valenti’s reprehensible outburst provoked other crazies (most of which I won’t include here) to respond as well, including this tweet from the vile, whoever, “High Mpreg Priestess – Witch Queen Loki”

“ah wtf they did. literally burn hobby lobby to the ground.” 

Oh. How charming. How supportive. How kind.

These third-wave feminist women, led by the likes of the despicable Ms. Valenti, are the dregs of society. They are no different from the vile, uncouth, degenerates who were once relegated to back alleys and whore houses.

This is what radical, second and third-wave feminism has produced. Deviant, twisted, demented freaks who are incapable of determining what’s good for themselves, their children or for that matter, anyone else. 

Their deplorable behavior should be unilaterally condemned, on all fronts, but especially by the leadership of the Christian faiths, who freaks like Valenti, continue to attack with impunity!

Where are the male voices of the real Christian warriors in response to these unjustified and outlandish dispersions? Some times I wonder if there are any strong, Christian men left out there, because at times like these, the silence is deafening.

20 thoughts on “Current EVEntS – Radical, Third-Wave Feminist High Priestess Jessica Valenti Proposes Public Orgy in Hobby Lobby Stores

  1. Of course, because nothing says “respect women” more than a good public orgy or a slutwalk or dressing up as a giant pink lady bit. Honestly, I don’t know how some of these women manage to tie their own shoelaces in the morning. They’re embarrassing and offensive.


    • I don’t know or care about this woman, but the fact that you folks seem to think this was a serious suggestion and not the mockery it clearly was is at least as disturbing as anything this woman said.


      • Agreed. You obviously do not know her, or you would never give her a pass on her vile statement. Trust me, there is no mockery in it, just pure, irrational and unadulterated hate.


      • She may feel hate, but she isn’t planning an orgy. Does anyone really believe she is? It was a joke. An angry joke…but given she clearly isn’t planning to do it I don’t really get what all the upset is about. Seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill.


      • She knows perfectly well that some of her adherents may very well take her up in her suggestion, to Hobby Lobby’s great dismay. Remember , these miserable females are the daughters of the naked females who danced around in public at Woodstock and I’m sure you’ve seen those same naked daughters marching for PETA as well. To the radical members of the sisterhood, Ms. Valenti’s suggestion is not that far-fetched.


      • I know of Valenti and feministing, quite well. It’s comforting to believe she speaks in mockery and doesn’t mean half of what she says, but I assure you, she does. She may indeed be confused, hate filled, and disoriented, but she’s also in a position a having a whole lot of influence over others and that makes it twice and important that people call her out on her nonsense.


      • I just looked up the context and she followed her comment 2 hours later with:

        “Love “stay classy” gripes from conservatives in my TL – not only should women abstain from sex, apparently we can’t joke about it either!”

        So, yes, she was joking. Not recognizing a joke from reality seriously challenges your credibility and implies you have wildly off ideas about how people who think differently than you think. Working with the real world is going to work a lot better if you deal with people who actually exist rather than the crazed monsters you imagine. This woman is young and a bit extreme in her beliefs, but she is far from who you seem to think she is.


      • No, she was not joking, just got caught off guard by the immediate response to her rant. She obviously was oblivious to the Guardian’s broad-based following. Referring to Ms. Valenti’s vile comment as a joke, calls into question your judgement, certainly not mine.


      • No, I’m pretty sure the fact that you don’t realize someone is joking when she mentions having a public orgy is a reflection on your judgement. Especially when she points out she was. If this woman said “I’ll have to confer with my father, Satan, before answering that” you would probably take her literally too. You clearly are going to believe what you want to believe. Sounds like a sad and scary life surrounded by such imaginary people.


      • Obviously, you live in a world without any standards of behavior. That depleted world defined by dehumanizing, rather than God-like, behavior deliberately sets out to amuse the adherents at others expense. It is evil and cruel behavior. It is also a vicious cycle that will continue to escalate, as Ms. Valenti’s increasingly vile attacks have shown, and it always ends badly. Your continued defense of the indefensible does not bode will for your future happiness. It is a sad sign of a conflicted life. You need to change the direction of your life ASAP before it’s too late. I wish you well and truly hope you finally find sincere and honest joy in your life. God created you with the best of intentions in mind. You deserve much better than you are allowing yourself to become. Remember, what comes around goes around. Se day you will be the victim of one of these vile assaults (these vicious people have no loyalty) and then you won’t think its so funny. Good luck and God bless.


      • “Obviously, you live in a world without any standards of behavior.”

        I live in a world with many standards of behavior. One of those is not misrepresenting the views of others.

        “That depleted world defined by dehumanizing, rather than God-like, behavior deliberately sets out to amuse the adherents at others expense.”

        Either she was serious or trying to amuse – she can’t be both. Which are you now saying?

        “It is evil and cruel behavior.”

        The goal on both sides is a better world. You just have different ideas of how to get there. Dehumanizing this woman is what you are doing in your efforts to simplify the argument to your ends. Right or wrong she believes she is working for the greater good of humanity.

        “Your continued defense of the indefensible does not bode will for your future happiness. It is a sad sign of a conflicted life.”

        I am pointing out that most people who are activists have the good of society at heart. You live in a deluded world in which people with whom you disagree are out to bring suffering to the world. You have, in conflict with all evidence, imagined a world far more evil and cruel than it is. Who do you think is happier?

        “I wish you well and truly hope you finally find sincere and honest joy in your life.”

        Thank you. I wish you well, too.

        “Se day you will be the victim of one of these vile assaults (these vicious people have no loyalty) and then you won’t think its so funny.”

        I’m pretty good at knowing when people are joking and when they are not, and my skin is not so thin that a joke about where people want to have sex will throw me into a tizzy.


      • It has thrown you into a tizzy. You’ve spent an enormous amount of time trying to defend this jerk. Get over it! There was nothing “funny” about her comment and to claim otherwise is just plain crazy.


      • Actually you wrote about it. I tried to explain your misunderstanding because I thought it might help.


      • I wrote about her because she’s another one of my “Current EVEntS. I’ve been writing about these modern day Eve’s, every Friday, for nearly three years. Thank you, but I don’t need your help. I understand, full well, what these brainwashed, bitchy, feminists are up to. I only wish you did too. Please read more of my Current EVEntS for a better understanding of just who you’ve aligned yourself with. Do you really want to be part of their miserable world? And then read my post, “Short Essay – First vs. Second vs. Third-Wave Feminism” for an overview of who these women really are. I truly want you to avoid them. They will bring you nothing but undeserved grief, and at the same time, deny you the happiness you deserve. Stop defending them. They are not worth your previous time.


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