Longform Essay – How Did “Patriarchy” Become a Dirty Word?

Laura_Levites_Hate_Christians_2The short answer to this question is that the women, who initiated radical, second-wave feminism in the late 1960s and early 1970s, were non-Christians. The long answer is that patriarchy was  principally associated with Christian churches and Christian men, and lesbian-led, radical, second-wave feminists abhorred them both.Laura_Levites_Hates Christians


Patriarchy 7What is patriarchy? It is “a system of society, based on Biblical teachings, in which the father is the responsible head of the family.” Prior to the inception of radical feminism, the concept of patriarchy was considered a highly valued component of Christianity. The concept of patriarchy was initially established by God the Father through His relationship with His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was an obedient Son to His Father, even unto His death.

Patriarchy last supperOn a different level, the term patriarchy also defined Jesus’ loving relationship, as “husband” and protector, of His Holy Church, which He established while on earth though St. Peter. 

This divine, patriarchal devotion, in turn gave inspiration to the earthly priests of  Jesus’ Church. Patriarchy continued, as it once again defined the devoted relationship that the ordained “Father” priests established with their congregations. Responsible patriarchal leadership, based on loving guidance and protection, further defined the relationship between a Christian father and his family. Patriarchy was the thread that bound all Christians together, through God’s love for His Son.

Patriarchy 6This cherished concept of patriarchy, was the channel by which the deep human sentiment of love, was handed down throughout the ages – from God to Jesus; from Jesus’ to His Church; from His Church to its priests; from its priests to their congregants; from the congregation to the family fathers and finally from the  fathers to their families.

The term patriarchy had defined the innate goodness of Christian men for over 2000 years. 

It was understood that patriarchy was created by God and that it was an integral part of His plan to lovingly bring about order from chaos, thereby bringing each Christian to Salvation, just as He had promised. With its obvious success, Christians viewed patriarchy as a positive aspect of their faith, never a negative. That is, until radical, second-wave feminism reared its ugly head during the late 1960s and early 1970s brainwashing millions of young Christian baby boomers to believe otherwise.

Many, or most, of the originators of the insidious ideology surrounding radical feminism were non-Christian women. Women who were raised in, what Christians rightfully considered dysfunctional families. These women were brought up in unhappy families, families that were plagued with animosity, verbal abuse, abandonment, distrust and disdain. Families lacking the guidance, and inspiration, of the timeless goodness and love, generated by patriarchy and demonstrated by the members of Christ’s Holy Family. 

As a result, these troubled females had a distorted view of family life and especially of “father.”

As history shows, many of these women were the products of families with uncaring, cruel, rude, oppressive, sneering. domineering, vicious, hateful and terrifying fathers. Fathers, who by no means, emulated the love and devotion that St. Joseph showered on Mary and Jesus.  Non-Christian fathers, who were never taught the loving concept of patriarchy as defined by God the Father’s love and devotion for His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

patrirchy 8Instead, these fathers were totally devoid of any positive frame of reference for their behavior as the patriarch of their families. These were fathers who abandoned their families. Fathers who verbally abused their families. Fathers who utilized prostitutes. Fathers who divorced their wives and children. Fathers who cheated on their wives. Fathers who maligned and belittled their children. Fathers with illegitimate children and fathers who were, literally, insane.

These were fathers who were verbally cruel and hateful, or who were, just as importantly, sniveling doormats to their domineering, demanding, opinionated, overpowering wives. These were fathers who did not know how to love, and literally drove their wives and children insane, just as had their fathers and grandfathers had before them.

Anger 2For centuries, these children lived within their insular communities, never permitted by their parents to mix with “goyims” (Christians) and they knew no other way of life. All they knew was that family life was hard and cruel. 

That is, until 1964 when Vatican II suddenly changed everything. The children of these men were suddenly no longer shunned by Christian society and most, for the first time, were permitted to attend college and, as a result, get to know goyims. 

This led to the social interaction, despite both sets of parent’s objections, of non-Christian and Christian children, on a regular basis, for the very first time in history.

Christian Dad

Christian Dad

Unfortunately, for many of these non-Christian kids, this exposure just poured salt on their raw wounds. 

It was through this interaction that they first realized just how much they had been denied by their loveless fathers and controlling mothers. 

When compared to the love and devotion showered on their families by Christian fathers and mothers, their parents paled by comparison. For some, this realization generated an irrational hatred for the Christian fathers whose family values, and love, they envied.

Betty Friedan (1921-2006)

Betty Friedan (1921-2006)

This convoluted thinking produced the twisted, hate-filled ideology of the non-Christian, anti-Christian, radical, second-wave

Feminist leader - Bella Abzug

Feminist leader – Bella Abzug

feminists of the 1960s and 1970s, including Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, Naomi Weisstein, Jo Freeman, Andrea Dworkin, Phyllis Chesler, and Gloria Steinem. 

Since these women could never bring themselves to admit to their hatred for their hurtful fathers, they chose of attack men in general.

This was subconsciously undertaken in hopes of denying all Christian women the happy, father/daughter relationship they themselves had been denied. By making sweeping generalization about men, based on their own depleted definition of “father”, and with the help of the young television industry, these outspoken, difficult and irascible women succeeded in redefining patriarchy as something to be reviled, rather than revered.

And, this personal realization of their abuse, neglect, and subjection to mental cruelty by their parents, was not limited to the daughters of these non-Christian men.  

The sons of these men were also victim of this abuse and also developed a twisted interpretation of patriarchy as well. But, they chose to “act out” in a different manner. Rather than attack men directly, as did the female feminists, these young radical, non-Christian men chose to attack the institutions that Christian men had created within Western Civilization claiming they too reeked of “domineering patriarchy” (Christianity).

Kent State Riots

Kent State Riots

Most of these young non-Christians were either atheists, socialists, or worse yet, communists and they comprised the vast majority of the membership of many of the most notorious “anti-establishment”, 1960s and 1970s, radical groups. 

The most disruptive of these groups was the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), which notably included chapters on the campuses of Columbia University and University of Michigan. Other radical groups included the New Left; the Weather Underground; the Youth International Party; the Freedom Riders and the 1964 Berkeley Free Speech Movement.

These young sociopathic activists (anarchists) included Abby Hoffman, Jerry Rubin , Lee Weiner, (read more details) Mark Rudd, Jack Weinberg, Bill Siegel, Paul Berman, David Gilbert, Paul Krassner, Sam Green, John Fuerst, Steve Weissman, Jackie Goldberg, William Kunstler, Leonard Weinglass, and Ron Kuby.  In fact, three of the four college kids killed at Kent State, during the student riots in 1970, were non-Christian.

It was through these young, and miserable, non-Christian men and women’s irrational, and pernicious efforts to seek revenge, that the practice of patriarchy was redefined. 

And, unfortunately, through their unfettered assault on all things good, what once had expressed the caring, considerate and responsible behavior of Christian men, who were inspired by God the Father, suddenly began to take on a sinister air. 

In time, the public disdain for patriarchy, and the Christian men it represented, began to erode America’s faith in the Christian institutions themselves that has defined America’s greatness. 

These stalwarts of Christian Western Civilization included organized religion, democracy, academia, military, business, government, judiciary, politics, family and even the U. S. Constitution!

Patriarchy 2This unprecedented breakdown of patriarchal Christian societal order was made possible for two reasons. The first was because, despite being very few in number, the anarchist’s influence was spread far and wide with the support of the non-Christians within the entertainment industry, the news media and within our large universities. The second reason was that the 74 million college age, Christian, baby boomers bought the BS – hook, line and sinker.

And today, we are living in the dysfunctional, and depleted, secular society we’ve inherited from these vengeful, disgruntled individuals, who dishonestly, deliberately, despicably and knowingly managed to upend America and reduce the loving Christian term of “patriarchy”, to just another dirty word.

15 thoughts on “Longform Essay – How Did “Patriarchy” Become a Dirty Word?

  1. No wonder people tend to blame Jews (or at least sympathetic with the so called palestinian cause which full of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah) for every bad things in society thanks to several liberal, talmudist Jews in the West who hate Christianity.


    • There are times when I think it’s more than hatred. Sometimes I think it’s a rare form of insanity spiked with jealousy because, in this day and age, it makes NO sense to hate Christians or Christianity. We have such a proven track record for prosperity, peace, progress, goodness, family life, bravery, productivity, charity and sanity, it’s impossible to argue against those convincing truths without appearing to be NUTS.

      Liked by 2 people

      • “Patriarchy” is also looked upon negatively in the USA, SOLELY because the non-Christian female founder’s of late 1960s and early 1970s radical, second-wave feminism were raised in TOTALLY dysfunctional households with tyrannical fathers and disgruntled mothers, who viciously subjected their children to profound, and demented, verbal abuse. All they knew was familial hatred. These experiences distorted their view of family life, which, unlike Christians, included a hideous view of “patriarchy”. We are, as Christians, still fighting the tide of lies these women spread about men in general. It NEVER ceases to amaze me how GULLIBLE young women truly are! They will believe almost ANYTHING anyone tells them. I will read your noted article when I return to my laptop.


      • All I can say about the men with whom this article is concerned, is that they are FOOLS! They are doing EXACTLY what the niave American, male, baby boomers did 50 years ago! And they will live to regret their childlike endorsement of all things feminist, just as our, now aging, lonely and unhappy men! Rather than supporting these irrational feminist ideology, they should learn from our tattered men, and rise up against the evils inflicted on women by radical femnism! In addition, they are stupidly endorsing their own demise as loving, good men. True patriarchy, as defined by the Bible, was an awesome sense of duty and responsibility, imbued in Christian men by God, to protect and provide for their FAMILIES. It was NOT the onerous, debilitating, controlling, vintictive and destructive behavior of non-Christian fathers whose despicable fathering spawned the first radical, feminist women! These foolish men are allowing themselves to be lumped in with those demonic non-Christian men, who horribly abused their children, whether though physical, emotional or spiritual abuse, by accepting responiblity for THEIR destructive behavior! Embracing the distorted, misguided and fallicious ideology of radical, second and third-wave feminism will NEVER benefit women, and it will certainly VOID any and all good men’s ability to save young women from the evils that their adoption of a “feminist lifestyle” breeds. Professing support for radical feminism’s irrational lifestyle, under the guise of “equality”, not only shows how little these men understand the TRULY EVIL agenda espoused by radical feminist ideology, which is NOT AT ALL about acquiring “equality” for women, but ALL about inflcting “inequality” on men, but they are also enabling the destruction of the very women they claim to want to help! How is supporting feminism’s promulgation of female sexual liberation, explicit sexuality, abortion, promescuity, fornication, adultry and divorce going to benefit these women? All this approval does is turn their female contemporaries into JEZEBEL! Sure, this push may suit the men lookng for a short-term hook-up, but once the MAJORITY of their female contemporaries have become Jezebel (which will happen, just as it has happened here in USA after 50 years of feminist brainwashing) where do men go to find the good women necessary to become their trusted and devoted wives and the mothers of their children? Sadly, these foolish male feminists will discover, TOO LATE, that they were complicite in the degradation of their own lives, through their misguided behavior, just like the miserable non-Christian men who came before them. FOOLS!


      • And to be honest, thanks to “common grace” as God’s creation, in most cases non christian families (in spite being in bondage with their false religion such as Islam in case of Indonesia) with strong patriarchy tradition and loving families had produced productive members of the society whereever they are and regardless of their social class, while thanks to sin, were indeed more prone of abusive or too permissive behavior that destroys which fuels feminist propaganda machine.

        False tradition also involved in fanning the flames of sexual liberation (e.g. islamic 3 word divorce “talaq”).


      • I’ve yet to find anyone, who has adopted a “feminist lifestyle”, whose life is not mired in misery. And what amazes me is that so many people accept the ideology on face value when they should, instead, be alarmed by its potential for causing serious harm to its adherents because feminism was founded, and functions, on the proven suffering inflicted on humanity by sinful behavior.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent article! These psychos are just not happy to be women just because of their own bad childhood experience, and want to spread their misery to the masses, because of their own bitterness. What selfish people!

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