Madcap Marriage Vol. #2 Essay 12

church wedding

Church Wedding

Only through a good Christian marriage can an individual attain the highest form of human happiness known to man.

That’s why marriage, as an institution, has survived for thousands of years. Everything else truly pales by comparison.

There are aspects of marriage, both physical and emotional, that can never be duplicated, under any other circumstances. They are specifically reserved for a married couple, and they are only experienced through their internalization of the parameters that define the sacrament of marriage.

This dedication to the sacrament of marriage then becomes second-nature, as the Christian, married couple functions with one heart, one mind and one soul.

As the Bible says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24

Sure, you can experience happiness in many other ways but the uppermost echelon of human happiness is restricted to those who have achieved a blissful and holy marriage through a devotion to the sacrament of marriage first.  

happy couple

I love you!!

And, this devotion simply requires a commitment to God, each other and their children, a kind considerate heart and self-control. And, these parameters, not coincidently, define a person who has attained maturity as a Christian adult as well

The vast majority of humanity still views a happily married couple as the ultimate personal success story. And whether the radical, second-wave feminist academics, or the non-Christian liberal press, want to admit it or not, the entire world still functions under the premise that a happily married husband and wife are the cornerstone of Christian civilization. Without this couple’s combined efforts, not only for themselves but for their children as well, Western Civilization would cease to exist.

A successful Christian marriage is, in many ways, envied by others. It is the couple’s calling card to the world. It represents their priorities, and their high standards of behavior, unlike anything else. It garners respect and fosters admiration. It allows the couple to go anywhere, without criticism or questioning. They never have to justify their attendance to an event, their involvement with an activity or the company they keep. They are accepted, individually or as a couple, without reservations or suspicion. Their behavior can be depended upon to enhance whatever set of circumstances prevail. The married Christian couple is welcomed everywhere, without exception, explanation or recrimination. They are trusted, and so their way is made easier, by those they encounter each day, because they are trusted to bring goodness with them.

another happy couple in new house

I love you!!

A happy Christian marriage allows the couple to enjoy every aspect of their lives more fully because they share a life-long commitment to the indissolubility of the sacrament of marriage. There is no chance of divorce destroying their precious family.

But just as importantly, they share the most unique gift given to a Christian couple by God Himself, and that is their children. Nothing the couple will ever share compares to the uniqueness and irreplaceability of their children. 

Other people may have similar houses, cars, vacations, jobs, but no one else has this couple’s children, and in this exclusivity, a Christian couple is very blessed.

So, despite what the radical feminists, and the social liberals, declare, there is no other “arrangement” that compares with the long-standing, high level of security, continuity, reliability, joy and happiness, attainable by all members of a Christian family unit, other than through a devotion by the parents to the sacrament of marriage.

Couple arguing

I hate you!!

And, surprisingly, the resulting sense of happiness will also, by association, provide the couple with the much-needed “sense of the ridiculous” they will require, in order to assure the success of their marriage as well.

This especially applies to the wife and mother. If you take yourself too seriously, or find you have an underlying need to be right all the time, as many “liberated” females unwittingly do today, you will NEVER achieve the wonders, or joy, of a truly happy, madcap marriage.

Remember. Whatever the issue is, winning the battle is never worth losing the war. Stop and laugh at your indignation instead. You’ll be amazed at the results, and the reaction of your husband.

For a woman who truly loves her husband, winning every argument, or any argument for that matter, doesn’t really matter. The issue will resolve itself over time as you continually seek to find a happy balance in your marriage.

Why get yourself all riled-up over a temporary situation? Remind yourself that your husband loves you, that he is committed to your happiness, that he always has your best interest at heart. And more importantly, that he deserves your respect, as well as your love.

In addition, he does not deserve all the hysterical drama! Men hate drama.

I trust your decision.

I trust you!!!

So, take a deep breath. Stop, drop and roll. And, let him make the decision at hand.

Do you really care anyway? Or are you just flexing your “feminist” muscles because some college professor said you were entitled to do that?

It’s easier to just drop it. And besides, you have enough to do. Whatever the issue, his making the decision instead of you, is one less thing that you’ll have to worry about, or take responsibility for. And, how could that be bad, in this stress-filled world?

It’s the Women, Not the Men to be continued…

8 thoughts on “Madcap Marriage Vol. #2 Essay 12

  1. One Catholic commentor, Theodore Shoebat who writes at noted on his facebook page that in cultures where men are expected to ask girls out, that is, romance them, there is a high rate of divorce. On the other hand, where girls are the one who ask men out, by which he means to romance the man, there is a very low rate of divorce.

    This I believe is a very profound observation as to how God designed relationships. Since woman is for the glory of man and Romans 1 describes refers to man’s sexuality as being the natural use of woman, it means that male-female relationships will only work if woman is the one who romances the man. That is, to make herself available to him and serve him, as he is the one with authority over her, not her over him.

    I think this statement needs to be qualified by saying that it is man, not woman, who leaves his parents to become one flesh with his wife, that is he pursues the marriage to woman (Genesis 2:24), and not the other way round. But, it is not the man who earns sex within marriage, or respect from woman. He should be respected. Western culture has it backwards. It thinks woman should be respected as of right in relationships, whereas man is the one who must earn it. This I believe is a major contributing factor to the high rates of divorce in the west.


    • Mr. Shoebat must be a product of the POST-Vatican II Catholic Church, which espouses “social justice” as its principle teaching, at the expense of Biblical teachings and even its Canon Laws. This includes diminishing the concept of white, male patriarchy, while advancing the “needs” of everyone else on earth. His assumptions about the success of marriage if instigated by women just feeds into that sick concept and certainly seeks to reenforce the ideology of female “dominance” promulgated by radical feminism. To traditional Catholics, Shoebat’s “reverse thinking” on dating is typical of most liberal Catholics. They simply take any position which opposes traditional beliefs and make up whatever “proves” their stance. Unfortunately, the media always “believes” them because it aligns with their negative narrative about white, Christian males. “Unlike glorious women, if subhuman men ask women out, the marriage is going to end in divorce”. Duh!! Unfortunately, it typically takes the conservatives decades to gather the evidence to prove these Marxist leftists wrong, and by then, the lies have been accepted by the culture as true. Plus, when the truth finally rises to the surface again the proof of their lies is usually hidden on page 30 of the newspapers. Christian men, within Western Civilization, have ALWAYS asked the women if they’d like to go out on a date. ALWAYS. Until the rise of radical feminism, a woman would NEVER ask a man out on a date because not only was it considered to be too rude and “forward”, it offended the men. The woman would be considered “cheap” or desperate. Neither of which were considered admirable. So, I totally disagree with Shoebat’s outlandish conclusions and question his “proof” as well. He sounds like he’s another agent for the advancement of radical feminism where women are perfect and men are useless.


      • I can assure you that Shoebat attacks feminism militantly if you read his articles on abortion, divorce, marriage and family. He is just as disgusted as you are about women in America who divorce their husbands just because he is “inconvenient”, and “career” women who reject marriage and family to pursue a career.

        I think what he means is romancing a woman, not necessary proposing marriage. He may have misstated what he meant.

        Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts.


      • I’m pleased that Shoebat is opposed to feminism in all of it’s evil forms, which makes it even more surprising that he believes that women should ask men out on dates, no matter what his justification for it is. And, since he ties this action by women with lower divorce rates, he’s definitely assuming the couple eventually marry, which is much more than just “romancing” each other. My concern about this premise is – how are men to be viewed as the head of the household, as written in the Bible, if the woman takes charge of the relationship from the first moment they meet? The entire “aggressive woman” and timid men concept is taken directly from the radical, second and third-wave feminist manifesto. “I am woman, hear me roar!” It never works out well because REAL men do NOT like to be “chased” by women since they perceive themselves to be leaders, just as the Bible directs them to be. Men like to do the “chasing” and most normal women like it that way too. Very odd divergent from Shoebat’s normal, anti-feminist viewpoints.


      • I’m please that you know Mr Shoebat is opposed to feminism in all its forms. He is a true anti-feminist as one should be, not like so many professing conservative Christian women in America who claim to oppose feminism but have much of the spirit of feminism in them. Such women are even more dangerous than the liberal women who simply make it clear that they are feminists in a more straightforward way. They are often the target of Shoebat’s criticism, and rightly so.

        I agree with you that it should be the man who initiates a relationship, not the woman. It is the man who chooses who marry, with the guidance of his father, not the woman.

        I think Shoebat is not being literal in his statement if you know what I mean. What he means in probably that in a marriage, it is the man who must be respected, rather than that he must earn it as western culture thinks. That is the heart of his statement I think.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Bravo! very well said. Common sense, is it more important to be right or to be happy? Also I believe that for couples that truly love each other can respect the fact that they don’t share the same opinion on all topics, down to if the toilet paper should go under or over (seems these silly type of thing feeds the “right wrong dramatic battles). Our faith and respect of selves and our husband.are precious assets and we mustn’t insult ours and our spouses intelligence with dramatic insistaence that only “my opinion could possibly be right” Lord, pls do not allow me to deny my self new knowledge and broader perspectives with close minded egotism.
    Thank you for the thought provoking simple wisdom


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