Current EVEntS – Alison Williams, Daughter of NBC Anchor Brian Williams, Does HBO Porn

Brian Williams, 55 - NBC Evening News Anchor

Brian Williams, 55 – NBC Evening News Anchor

I’m sure most of you are familiar with NBC prime time news anchor Brian Williams. He used to be considered the new-kid-on-the-block. That is no longer the case, as he has been an NBC anchor for the past eleven years and, his daughter Alison, is now 26.

Williams began his career in broadcasting in 1981 in Pittsburg, Kansas followed by stints in Washington, D.C and Philadelphia, before being hired by NBC News in 1993. When Tom Brokaw retired in 2004, Brian Williams was his, much-lauded, replacement.

When Williams was promoted to anchor on NBC Nightly News, he was following in the footsteps of men who’d bequeathed an illustrious legacy to NBC. Men of dignity. Men who were “larger than life.” Men who were moral, ethical and were “class acts.”

This impressive NBC legacy would begin with the much respected, trusted and admired John Cameron Swayze (1949-1956), and continue with Chet Huntley and David Brinkley (1956-1970), then John Chancellor (1971-1982), and finally with Tom Brokaw (1982-2004).

And, I’m sure, if they were all alive, that they would be shocked by what took place this week. And, that they would be equally appalled, that their successor, Brian Williams, would allow himself, and his family, to become embroiled in a scandal surrounding the pornographic behavior of his only daughter, Alison!

Brian Williams

Brian Williams

Unlike Tom Brokaw, Williams is an obvious liberal, and in many cases a leftist, which has kept him in good stead with the aging, and declining, audience, he speaks to from the NBC headquarters in NYC each night.

Uptick? Hardly worth writing home about. Cable TV has been killing the 3

Uptick? This is hardly worth writing home about.


Brian Williams and his wife Jane

Brian Williams and his wife Jane

Williams, and his wife Jane, who is a TV producer, were married in 1986 at the First Presbyterian Church in New Canaan, Connecticut. They have two children, the aforementioned Alison,  and their son, Douglas.

Alison Williams

Alison Williams

Alison is an aspiring actress. And I guess no one should be surprised by her choice of “career” path, considering the “education” that Ms. Williams received at Yale. She graduated in 2010. 

Yale, the formerly Christian University, is where the current non-Christian administration, enables “Sex Week” each year. A week where female professors teach naked from the waist up, porn queens give lectures and sex toy manufacturers display their wares, not to mention the drunken sex taking place in the dorm rooms and the “naked” parties on campus.

sex and GodYou can read about the rest of the “activities” during Sex Week, on my Good Books review page, under Nathan Harden’s book Sex and God at Yale. Harden is an alum of Yale and his book gives chapter, and verse, about his profound disappointed, with the recent administration, upon  returning to campus to find his “illustrious” university in the hands of radical extremists bent on the destruction of human dignity and Christian values.

If you want to save your kids from hell, don’t send them to Yale!

Now, back to Ms. Williams. So, with just a few college acting roles (during Sex Week perhaps?) to her credit, Ms. Williams was incredibly given a role in the HBO series Girls, prior to its premier in April of 2012.

Ms. Williams came to the role without any professional acting experience but obviously, with a lot of “connections.”

Even with this head start (other than the starring role in an NBC’s special presentation of Peter Pan Live in December of 2014) Ms. Williams has done little of note.

That is until January 15, 2015.

Alison Williams and GirlsThe fourth season of Girls premiered on that date, with Ms. William’s “nude” derriere, as the main focus, of an anal/oral sex scene. Yes, you read that correctly. Anal and oral sex scene.

But, worse yet, Ms. Williams said her parents were “veterans of the show” and that they both offered her advice as she prepared for the scene. How considerate of them…

Janet Jackson's Super Bowl XXXVIII "Wardrobe Malfunction"

Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl XXXVIII “Wardrobe Malfunction?”

Advice? What kind of advice? Perhaps they advised their only daughter to reconsider, and get out while she could? Perhaps they warned her that the producers were using her, for her name? Or perhaps, they were trying to destroy, what little reputation, within the industry, she had?

Well, considering the liberal leanings of Brian Williams, we can be assured that his wife, Jane, is a radical, second-wave feminist, who embraces the same liberal views as he, on abortion, feminism, divorce, same-sex marriage, explicit sexuality and illegitimacy.

So, the answer to the original question is a resounding, NO!

In fact, Alison’s mother Jane, instead, offered her young daughter advice, in Janet Jackson style, on costume construction for the lewd scene!

Alison’s inane reaction to her mother’s phone call on this issue is telling. Ms. Williams said, “I’d get a call from my mom and she’d be like, ‘Maybe if you took a thong and cut it away from the sides but you stuck it on in the front and the back it could work.’ I was like, ‘Mom, I like your thinking.’”

Anti-Christian logoSo, once again, we have another influential female, Jane Stoddard Williams, who has substituted the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism for the tenets of her Christian faith. To this end, Mrs. Williams has raised her daughter to become a radical, third-wave feminist who defines herself, solely, by her explicit sexuality. Sick.

Now, if raised by a loving Christian mother, young Ms. Williams would never have found herself in this predicament in the first place. And, if she had been offered this pornographic role, she would have refused to take part in it for fear, if nothing else, of embarrassing her parents.

Ufeminism logonfortunately, Ms. Williams did not have to worry about that possibility because her mother is a radical, second-wave feminist and feminism abhors all of the traditional Christian constraints, and restraints, on female sexual activity.

And, incredibly, the younger generation of third-wave feminists now believe that explicit sexuality is “empowering” for young women. And, that it should be “exploited” with regards to their relationships with men. Dumb or Sick? You decide.

So, considering this young woman’s upbringing, headed by a “liberated”, radical, second-wave feminist “mother”, Alison really had no other choice but to continue to go-along-with-the-program.

God forbid she should ruin her mother’s fun, while mom was excitedly living, vicariously, through her daughter’s sexual adventures. This “mother” is no different from the non-Christian feminist “mothers” behavior, in relationship to their young daughter’s sexual escapades, forty-five years ago.  They have become the enemy!

Jane Stoddard Wlliams

Jane Stoddard Williams

Beyond adopting the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism as her mantra, what is wrong with this “mother?”  

What is wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong….is the henpecked, formerly Christian, father!

Brian Williams obviously has been cowed into submission, by both his wife and daughter. He is no longer the head of his family, he is its derriere.

Brian Williams wife’s “mothering” skills are deplorable. His daughter’s behavior is dishonest and disgusting. But, the full blame for this young woman’s distorted self-image, debauched priorities and revolting behavior, is completely her father’s fault.

Brian William’s feigning approval for Alison’s pornographic behavior, during this seminal period in his young daughter’s life, is down right despicable! Beyond that, it’s unconscionable. 

The William’s foursome are a “family” that is totally defined by the innate irrationality of radical, second-wave feminism – no shame, no guilt, no self-respect, and no integrity.

These two “parents” have abandoned their daughter Alison’s human dignity, and self-worth, in order to appease the pagan gods of lust and desire. These two people are just, duded-up, slime.

Alison Williams and Ricky Van Veen

Alison Williams and Ricky Van Veen

Alison became engaged to Ricky Van Veen in February 2014. He founded the CollegeHumor website at Wake Forest College in 1999.

In 2007, Ricky developed a CollegeHumor weekly, website series called Jake and Amir. He and Alison met when she was given the part of Cheryl, who is a recurring character, on the series.

Perhaps Ricky will have a more positive influence over Ms. William’s “career” path than did her “father”.

But…be assured, I’m not holding my breath.

Update: 2-11-15. Well, we now have the answer to my question, “What is wrong with this young woman’s father?” Just this week, on February 10th, it was revealed that Ms. William’s father, Brian William, is a habitual liar. As a result, he has taken a leave of absence from his job and hopefully will repent for the damage he’s done to his family, NBC and by association, the country. Once again, this proves the old adage to be correct, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

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