Short Essay – Working Moms Miss A Lot More Than Their Baby’s First Step

Baby's First Steps

Baby’s First Steps

Working moms not only miss their blessed child’s first step but they may miss their precious child’s first word

Chasing birds

Toddler Chasing birds

or even their first chuckle. They may miss watching them as they learn to blow bubbles or how to rock a rocking horse or walk on a rock wall. They may miss the astonishment in their eyes as they watch butterflies flying, leaves blowing or squirrels climbing trees. They may miss wandering in the garden picking, and eating, tomatoes. They may miss looking for bugs or joyously chasing birds. Yes, working mothers miss a lot.

Working moms may miss dress-up time, learning to hug a baby doll or experiencing the first time their little one sees his own reflection in a mirror. They miss nap time, lunchtime and playtime. After work, if there are older children in the family too, there’s homework, sports, dinner, baths and bed. There is never enough time left over to truly, calmly and lovingly enjoy their children for the unique, and wonderous, beings that they were, are, or are going to be. Yes, working mothers miss a lot.

Working moms don’t have the time to luxuriate in peacefully watching their child happily bouncing in a Jumperoo, swinging in a baby swing or rocking in a hammock. Even playing hide and seek, peek-a-boo or simply singing lullabies seems too much for many exhausted mothers. They miss the daytime tears, laughter, frowns, giggles and smiles that fills the house just because their precious child plays joyfully within it. Yes, working mothers miss a lot.

In the end, working mothers miss the irretrievable opportunities to teach their children their faith, their values, their hopes, their dreams and their expectations. And more importantly, they miss the preciously short time they have to love, hold, kiss, hug and nurture their sweet, adorable, angelic little children.

Yes, thanks to radical, second-wave feminism, working mothers miss a lot but, without their loving mothers to guide them, so do their beautiful, innocent children.

26 thoughts on “Short Essay – Working Moms Miss A Lot More Than Their Baby’s First Step

  1. I hate how these feminist can’t see how women and men are different. While women shouldn’t be treated as second class citizen, they are still different from men.”Treating men and women with equal amount of respect is not the same as ignoring what makes them different” That quote was inspired by a YouTuber named Digibro on Obseveration on MLP: Embracing Girliness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • After studying the adherents of radical, second and third-wave feminism for more than five years, I am convinced that they are simply insane. Nothing they espouse makes sense, nothing they advocate brings joy and nothing they encourage benefits women in the long term. It’s a totally irrational, hateful and misguided ideology.


  2. Reblogged this on Biblical Gender Roles and commented:
    This concisely written article written by Kathy Duane, is a scathing rebuke of working mothers and at the same time an encouragement to young stay at home moms that they are doing the right thing – despite what feminism tries to teach women today.


  3. KQ – God bless you for this site and I hope you continue the great work. We need fathers and mothers to teach our next generation of kids that happiness comes from living the way God designed us to live. God designed men to lead, provide for and protect their families. God designed women to be helpmeets to their husbands and mothers to their children.

    Feminism encourages women to give the majority of their time and talents to strangers, while patriarchy(God’s design for the family) allows women to use their gifts in the place God design them for – the home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind encouragement. It is my mission to help young women see the evil that is inherent in “career oriented” feminism as opposed to the inherent goodness, happiness and joy inherent in family-oriented Christianity. I appreciate your comments very much.


    • The first one to receive accolades should be you. Without working to provide adequately for your family, your wife may not have been able to stay home with your children. You have blessed both your wife and your children many times over, through your hard work and devotion to their well-being. Cheers.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I know. And it’s painful to listen to how deeply the brainwashing has permeated their lives as they verbosely try to justify those bad choices, which are always at the expense of their children. It’s always “all about them”, which is the fundamental failure of feminism – pure selfishness on a rampage. Unless you count being able to buy more stuff, there is rarely an outcome worth the personal compromises, and sacrifices, feminist women are forced to make in order to live an egotistical, “feminist lifestyle.”


  4. It is very entitled to think that working mother’s don’t want to be with their children. Many times there is no choice if they want to keep their children fed and clothed (and no, I’m not talking about cable and luxuries) I’m talking about basic care.

    It must be nice to be so rich that you can look down your nose on all the Mom’s that have to work.

    As for feminism? I’m guessing you’re married and comfortable. I’m thirty and recently engaged. Before that I worked and had my own apartment. What would my other options have been? LIving and dependent on my parents? My brother? Pass.

    If a women goes to work she’s seen as neglectful to her family. Stay at home Mom’s are seen as having it easy and too dumb/not ambitious enough to make it in the working world. Neither are true, and women like you that shame other women for their choices aren’t helping the situation.


    • Unfortunately, you are a victim of radical, second-wave feminism. You are running your life in reverse. Wealth has nothing to do with the outcome. Your choices, as directed by radical feminism, has plopped you into the stress filled scenario you find yourself in. Not finding a good Christian guy, who can support you and the children that are born to your marriage, is the first mistake most radical feminists make. From there it’s all down hill.

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      • Feminism is not about being a ball busting working mom.

        It’s about bodily autonomy. The belief that this is my body and it belongs to me. That it has a right not be beat or raped, and that I am a human first, not a sexual object. That I choice with who and when I have sex. It’s also about gender equality (which is not the same thing of gender sameness)

        I’m not in a stress filled scenario. I love my life. Not marrying my Christian boyfriend was the best choice I ever made. He ended up a shiftless alcoholic. (Wasn’t a drinker in college.) Some of my friend’s Christian husbands turned out shiftless. (Again, you can’t tell when you’re so young.) Marrying a Christian guy is NOT a guarantee of a happy life

        Studies show that because I met my finace later on we have less chance of divorce and a higher chance for happiness. I can not believe how compatible we are and have never known a love like this in my life. Getting married at 22? I didn’t even know who I was yet.

        Getting married early also has the underlying message: better get married quick before your looks go and no one wants you. It’s not true. I don’t know if it was a confidence issue but I got much more male attention the older I got.

        Life is hard. Playing by the rules and marrying a “good Christian guy” and becomming a stay at home Mom doesn’t guarantee anyone a good life. We all do the best we can with what we have.


      • You are still regurgitating radical feminism. “Not about being a ball busting working women?” Oh, yes it is! You are woefully uninformed.
        “Bodily autonomy?” You mean becoming a selfish feminist bitch, who chooses to kill her unborn child in order to advance her career, buy a boat or take a trip to Europe? You are again regurgitating radical feminist BS, word for word.
        “A right not to be beat or raped?” WHAT? Come on. Radical, second-wave feminism BS again, directly from the feminist manifesto, as written by the infamous, and crazy, radical feminist Andrea Dworkin who claimed all sexual intercourse was rape.
        “That I choice (sic) with who and when I have sex.” More radical second-wave feminist BS taken directly out of the mouth of the non-Christian, radical, second-wave, feminist, oddball, Gloria Steinem (who never married), as far back as the 1970s.
        “It’s also about gender equality.” There is, and never will be, gender equality, more radical, non-Christian BS. As Bob Dylan said, “The only thing people really have in common is that they are all going to die.
        Not having married your Christian boyfriend, who loved you, probably didn’t help his life. Men love deeply and losing their first love can be a lifelong regret, killing their ambition.
        You are obviously a non-believer, so marrying a Christian would not have made for a happy marriage. And I’m guessing that your female friends, who married Christians, shared your same twisted radical,second- wave feminism view of the world. As nonbelievers, their marriages were doomed from the start. That is the reason their men drifted. Oil and water don’t mix.
        “Marrying early also has the underlying message: better get married quick before your looks go and no want you.” Despite what radical, second- wave feminism has told you, the statistics show this to be absolutely true.
        “Playing by the rules and marrying a ‘good Christian guy’ and becoming a stay at home mom doesn’t guarantee anyone a good life.” Your odds are 100,000 times better if you do. The sacrament of marriage dramatically improves your chance for success rather then following lesbian-led radical, second-wave feminist ideology concerning marriage, which is in direct conflict with the tenets of Christianity.
        “We all do the best we can with what we have.” And unfortunately, when you follow a irrational “feminist lifestyle”, you don’t end up with much to work with.
        My entire blog addresses your confusion. My advice, keep reading. I can guarantee that It will make a dramatic difference in the quality of your life and as an example, the lives of your feminist friends.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Feminism is not about being a ball busting corporate working mom.

        It’s about bodily autonomy. The belief that this is my body and it belongs to me. That it has a right not be beat or raped, and that I am a human first, not a sexual object. That I choice with who and when I have sex. It’s also about gender equality (which is not the same thing of gender sameness)

        I’m not in a stress filled scenario. I love my life. Not marrying my Christian boyfriend was the best choice I ever made. He ended up an alcoholic. (Wasn’t a drinker in college.) Some of my friend’s Christian husbands turned out shiftless. (Again, you can’t tell when you’re so young.)

        Studies show that because I met my fiance later on we have less chance of divorce and a higher chance for happiness. I can not believe how compatible we are and have never known a love like this in my life. Getting married at 22? I didn’t even know who I was yet.

        Getting married early also has the underlying message: better get married quick before your looks go and no one wants you. It’s not true. I don’t know if it was confidence issues or what but I got much more male attention the older I got.

        Life is hard. Playing by the rules and marrying a “good Christian guy” and becoming a stay at home Mom doesn’t guarantee anyone a good life. We all do the best we can with what we have.


      • linddykal- Well, it has been 2 years since your rampage, and how is your life without Jesus going now?
        Let me guess, you still are not married, perhaps living in sin, having sex with some guy that won’t commit to you, because you sleep with him anyway?
        How is all your feminist doublespeak helping you now???
        It still is a proven fact that you would have been much happier with your life if you would have followed God’s plan- Love, Marriage, THEN sex! But, that’s OK, enjoy your miserable feminist life!

        But, remember, it is still not too late to REPENT and turn to follow Jesus!
        You will be much happier if you do!!!


      • I didn’t say I thought working moms didn’t want to be with their children. I said they made bad choices when they replaced the priorities of Christianity with the ideology of radical, second-wave feminism (and many made those uninformed decisions while still in high school) which forces them to choose spending their lives at work rather than with their children.


  5. Oh, please. Those of us who support our families and don’t have a choice are not applauding this post. A parent at home, be it a mother or a father, is obviously the best-case scenario. But it can’t always happen. Self-righteousness on your part helps none of us.


    • I agree that some women have to work. For some it not because of any wrong choices they made, for instance their husband died, or perhaps he became disabled. But I believe what KQ is addressing is the fact that the majority of working women today have chosen that life. They marry a looser guy who does not know how to provide for his family, they want the fancy vacations and cars, and some work simply because being at home is seen as “boring and unfulfilling” so they would rather have strangers raise their babies while they are leading a more “fulfilling” life outside the home.


      • Exactly. The adoption of radical feminism’s depleted view of Christian men, and their abilities, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for most “career-oriented” feminists. When their innate nature finally surfaces, and they decide to marry, they unconsciously seek out a “loser” because that’s all they know about men from the feminist brainwashing they’ve received. It is all a vicious circle, leaving most feminists with families, angry and defensive.

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